Sublingual epidermoid cyst: A case report
The occurrence of epidermoid and dermoid cysts in the oral cavity is extremely rare accounting 0.01% of all cysts. In our case report we hereby present a large epidermoid cyst in the floor ofmouth imitating a plunging ranula. A 26-year-old female reported to us with a complaint of a swelling below the tongue since 2 year. On examination there was a swelling in the left side of thefloor of the mouth, with anextra oral component in the submental area, the patient underwent surgical removal of the mass under local anaesthesia. Diagnosis of an epidermoid cyst was confirmedby the histopathological report.Turetschek K, Hospodka H, Steiner E. Case Re- port: Epidermoid cyst of the floor of the mouth: Diagnostic imaging by sonography, computed to- mography and magnetic resonance imaging. Br J Radiol 1995;68:205-7.
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Issue | Vol 4, No 1 (Winter 2017) | |
Section | Case Report(s) | |
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