A comparison of tissue conditioner alone versus tissue conditioner with chx for treatment of the denture stomatitis in older adults
Objectives: Denture stomatitis (DS) is a multifactorial common disorder of removable denture wearers. Incorporation of antimicrobial agents in the lining materials may be an effective treatment for this condition. The purpose of this study is to compare of tissue conditioner alone versus tissueconditioner with CHX for treatment of the DS.Materials and Methods: Thirty six denture-wearing patients suffering from different stages of DS were investigated this clinical trial. Patients were assessed clinically and then randomlydivided to two groups: test (TC containing CHX) and control (same TC without CHX) Clinical effectiveness of each treatment was measured using clinical indexes consist of lesion size, color of lesion and sore mouth on day0, day 1, day 3 and day 7.Results: Findings showed that both treatments resulted in decreasing the lesion size with statistically significant differences between control and test groups. The percentage of the patientwith pink lesions increased and the number of patients with ruby and red lesion decreased over treatment period with statistically significant differences between groups. Both treatments led todecrease of the pain without any statistically significant difference between groups.Conclusions: It was concluded that of TC alone and TC with CHX are an treatment for DS. It seems that adding CHX to T.C has a statistically significant positive effect on lesion size and colorcompared to T.C alone.Keywords: CHX, Denture stomatitis, Tissue conditioner.Ruby J, Barbeau J. The buccale puzzle: The symbi- otic nature of endogenous infections of the oral cavity. Can J Infect Dis. 2002; 13(1):34-41.
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Issue | Vol 4, No 3 (Summer 2017) | |
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CHX Denture stomatitis Tissue conditioner |
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