Knowledge and attitude of patients presenting to a dental school clinic towards HIV/AIDS
Introduction: This study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitude of patients presenting to dental school about the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in 2017-2018. Materials and Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 450 patients presenting to dental school of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, International Campus, in 2017. The patients had a mean age of 33 years (range 11-66 years). The Farsi version of the international AIDS questionnaire with 18 questions (13 questions about knowledge and five questions about attitude) was used for data collection. Each correct response was allocated a score of 1.Regression analysis was used to assess the effect of age, sex, level of education and financial status on the knowledge and attitude scores. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to assess thecorrelation between knowledge and attitude scores. Results: The mean knowledge and attitude scores were 10.55 and 4.1, respectively. By an increase in the knowledge score, the attitude score significantly increased and vice versa (r=0.376,P<0.0001). Age, sex and financial status had no significant effect on knowledge about HIV/AIDS,and only the effect of level of education was significant (P=0.0001). Age had no significant effect on attitude score but gender (P=0.001), level of education (P=0.001) and financial status (P=0.038) significantly affected the attitude score. The attitude score was higher in females. Discussion: In general, participants had favorable knowledge and attitude towards AIDS. However, the knowledge and attitude of the Iranian population should be further enhanced in this respect. Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, AIDS.
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[9] Braunwald F, Kasper H, Longo J. Harrison’s Principlesof Internal Medicine. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2015; 19th Ed.
]10[Pakfetrat A, Shahabi Nejad H. Overall knowledgeof patients referred to Mashhad Dental Schoolregarding AIDS disease. Mashhad Dental SchoolJournal 2004; 28(3,4):141-150. [Persian].
[11] Mahat G, Scoloveno MA. HIV/AIDS knowledge,attitudes and beliefs among Nepalese adolescents.Journal Advanced Nursing 2006; 53(5):583-590.
]12[Arigbede AO, Ogunrinde TJ, Okoje VN, AdeyemiBF. HIV/AIDS and clinical dentistry: assessmentof knowledge and attitude of patients attendinga university dental centre. Niger J Med 2011 Jan-Mar; 20(1): 90-95.
[13] Taheri JB, Maleki Z, Baharvand M, MajdzadehTabatabaeeF. Knowledge and attitudes of studentsof Tehran High Schools (districts of 6 and 11) regardingAIDS on 2005. Shahid Beheshti DentalSchool Journal 2008; 26(3):303-312.
[14] Gupta PP, Verma RK, Tripathi P, Gupta S, PandeyAK. Knowledge and awareness of HIV/AIDS among students of a technical institution.Int J Adolesc Med Health 2015 Aug; 27(3):285-289.
[15] Tavoosi A, Zaferani A, Enzevaei A, Tajik P, AhmadinezhadZ.Knowledge and attitude towardsHIV/AIDS among Iranian students. BMC PublicHealth 2004 May 24; 4:17.
[16]Chu CS, Chan TW, Hui HM, SamaranayakeLP, Chan JC, Wei SH. The knowledge and attitudeof Hong Kong secondary school teachersand students towards HIV infection and dentistry.Community Dent Health 1995 Jun; 12(2):110-114.
[17] Holmes CB, Losina E, Walensky RP, YazdanpanahY, Freedberg KA. Review of human immunodeficiencyvirus type 1-related opportunistic infectionsin sub-Saharan Africa. Clin Infect Dis 2003;5:656-662.
[18]Yazdi CA, Aschbacher K, Arvantaj A, NaserHM, Abdollahi E, Asadi A, et al. Knowledge, attitudesand sources of information regarding HIV/AIDS in Iranian adolescents. AIDS Care 2006Nov; 18(8):10041010-.
[19] Sadeghi M, Hakimi H. Iranian dental students’knowledge of and attitudes towards HIV/AIDSpatients. J Dent Educ 2009 June; 73(6):740-745.
[20] Rad M, Hashemipour M, Alizadeh R. Knowledgeand attitudes of patients referred to a dentalschool towards AIDS. Shiraz Dental Journal 009;10(2):144-151.
[21] Nakhaee FH. Prisoners’ knowledge of HIV/AIDSand its prevention in Kerman, Islamic Republic ofIran. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2002;8:725–731.
[22] Razzaghi EM, Movaghar AR, Green TC, KhoshnoodK. Profiles of risk: a qualitative study of injectingdrug users in Tehran, Iran. Harm ReductJ. 2006 Mar 18; 3:12.
[23] Kumar S. Review of HIV prevention and care forinjecting drug users in Islamic Republic of Iran.2005: World Health Organization, Regional Officefor the Eastern Mediterranean, Cairo.
[24] Montazeri A. AIDS knowledge and attitudes inIran: results from a population-based survey inTehran. Patient Education and Counseling 2005;57:199-203.
[25]Fallahzadeh H, Morowatisharifabad M, Ehrampoosh M. HIV/AIDS epidemic features and trends in Iran, 1986–2006. AIDS and Behavior2009; 13:297-302.
[26] Miller JE. Differences in AIDS Knowledge among Spanish and English speakers by socioeconomic status and ability to speak English. Urban Health2000; 77(3):415-524.
[27]Pernaz-Linsuy G, Cárcamo-Cavagnaro C.Knowledge,attitudes and practices about HIV/AIDS inperuvianwomen. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica2[28] Ugarte WJ, Högberg U, Valladares E, Essén B.Assessingknowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to HIV and AIDS in Nicaragua: a community-level perspective. Sex Reprod Healthc 2013Mar; 4(1):37-44.
[29] Haghdoost AA, Pourkhandani A, MottaghiPishehSH, Farhoodi B, Fahimfar N, Sadeghi Rad B. Surveyof knowledge and attitudes towards humanacquired immune deficiency virus /AIDS in Iranianpopulation: a structured review and meta-analysis.Iranian Specialist Journal for Epidemiology2010; 6(4):8-20. (Persian).015 Oct; 32(4):667-672.
[2] Savaser S. Knowledge and attitude of high schoolstudents about AIDS. A Turkish perspective. PublicHealth Nurs 2003; 20:71-79.
[3] Brook U. AIDs knowledge and attitudes of pupilsattending urban high school in Israel. PatientEduc Couns1999; 36:271–278.
[4] Davis NM, Chan S, Wing L. Knowledge, attitudesand behaviors related to HIV and AIDs amongChinese adolescents in Hong Kong. J AdolescentHealth 1998; 21:651-665.
[5] Braunwald F, Kasper H, Longo J. Harrisons principlesof internal medicine. New York, Mc Growhill.2001; 15th:185.
[6] Http://]7[HIV/AIDS statistics. Tehran, Ministry of Health,2009.
[8] HIV/AIDS statistics and features by world region,2001 and 2008. At: html. Accessed: December 2008.
[9] Braunwald F, Kasper H, Longo J. Harrison’s Principlesof Internal Medicine. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2015; 19th Ed.
]10[Pakfetrat A, Shahabi Nejad H. Overall knowledgeof patients referred to Mashhad Dental Schoolregarding AIDS disease. Mashhad Dental SchoolJournal 2004; 28(3,4):141-150. [Persian].
[11] Mahat G, Scoloveno MA. HIV/AIDS knowledge,attitudes and beliefs among Nepalese adolescents.Journal Advanced Nursing 2006; 53(5):583-590.
]12[Arigbede AO, Ogunrinde TJ, Okoje VN, AdeyemiBF. HIV/AIDS and clinical dentistry: assessmentof knowledge and attitude of patients attendinga university dental centre. Niger J Med 2011 Jan-Mar; 20(1): 90-95.
[13] Taheri JB, Maleki Z, Baharvand M, MajdzadehTabatabaeeF. Knowledge and attitudes of studentsof Tehran High Schools (districts of 6 and 11) regardingAIDS on 2005. Shahid Beheshti DentalSchool Journal 2008; 26(3):303-312.
[14] Gupta PP, Verma RK, Tripathi P, Gupta S, PandeyAK. Knowledge and awareness of HIV/AIDS among students of a technical institution.Int J Adolesc Med Health 2015 Aug; 27(3):285-289.
[15] Tavoosi A, Zaferani A, Enzevaei A, Tajik P, AhmadinezhadZ.Knowledge and attitude towardsHIV/AIDS among Iranian students. BMC PublicHealth 2004 May 24; 4:17.
[16]Chu CS, Chan TW, Hui HM, SamaranayakeLP, Chan JC, Wei SH. The knowledge and attitudeof Hong Kong secondary school teachersand students towards HIV infection and dentistry.Community Dent Health 1995 Jun; 12(2):110-114.
[17] Holmes CB, Losina E, Walensky RP, YazdanpanahY, Freedberg KA. Review of human immunodeficiencyvirus type 1-related opportunistic infectionsin sub-Saharan Africa. Clin Infect Dis 2003;5:656-662.
[18]Yazdi CA, Aschbacher K, Arvantaj A, NaserHM, Abdollahi E, Asadi A, et al. Knowledge, attitudesand sources of information regarding HIV/AIDS in Iranian adolescents. AIDS Care 2006Nov; 18(8):10041010-.
[19] Sadeghi M, Hakimi H. Iranian dental students’knowledge of and attitudes towards HIV/AIDSpatients. J Dent Educ 2009 June; 73(6):740-745.
[20] Rad M, Hashemipour M, Alizadeh R. Knowledgeand attitudes of patients referred to a dentalschool towards AIDS. Shiraz Dental Journal 009;10(2):144-151.
[21] Nakhaee FH. Prisoners’ knowledge of HIV/AIDSand its prevention in Kerman, Islamic Republic ofIran. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2002;8:725–731.
[22] Razzaghi EM, Movaghar AR, Green TC, KhoshnoodK. Profiles of risk: a qualitative study of injectingdrug users in Tehran, Iran. Harm ReductJ. 2006 Mar 18; 3:12.
[23] Kumar S. Review of HIV prevention and care forinjecting drug users in Islamic Republic of Iran.2005: World Health Organization, Regional Officefor the Eastern Mediterranean, Cairo.
[24] Montazeri A. AIDS knowledge and attitudes inIran: results from a population-based survey inTehran. Patient Education and Counseling 2005;57:199-203.
[25]Fallahzadeh H, Morowatisharifabad M, Ehrampoosh M. HIV/AIDS epidemic features and trends in Iran, 1986–2006. AIDS and Behavior2009; 13:297-302.
[26] Miller JE. Differences in AIDS Knowledge among Spanish and English speakers by socioeconomic status and ability to speak English. Urban Health2000; 77(3):415-524.
[27]Pernaz-Linsuy G, Cárcamo-Cavagnaro C.Knowledge,attitudes and practices about HIV/AIDS inperuvianwomen. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica2[28] Ugarte WJ, Högberg U, Valladares E, Essén B.Assessingknowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to HIV and AIDS in Nicaragua: a community-level perspective. Sex Reprod Healthc 2013Mar; 4(1):37-44.
[29] Haghdoost AA, Pourkhandani A, MottaghiPishehSH, Farhoodi B, Fahimfar N, Sadeghi Rad B. Surveyof knowledge and attitudes towards humanacquired immune deficiency virus /AIDS in Iranianpopulation: a structured review and meta-analysis.Iranian Specialist Journal for Epidemiology2010; 6(4):8-20. (Persian).015 Oct; 32(4):667-672.
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Issue | Vol 5, No 1 (Winter 2018) | |
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Knowledge Attitude AIDS. |
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How to Cite
Yazdani R, Mohamadzadeh M, Kharazi Fard MJ. Knowledge and attitude of patients presenting to a dental school clinic towards HIV/AIDS. J Craniomaxillofac Res. 2018;5(1):27-34.