Radiographic evaluation of Stafne Bone Cyst in patients referred to a radiology center in Mashhad, Iran: A 3-year survey
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiographic features of stafne bone defects in patients referred to a private radiology center from March 2013 to 2016 in Mashhad, Iran. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective cross-sectional study 5000 CBCTs were evaluated with the definitive diagnosis of SBD. Radiolucencies between the molar region and angle of mandible were considered as SBD and if no increase in the size of the depressions was observed in the second panoramic view, the diagnosis of SBD was made. After selecting the radiographs with SBD, all their radiographic characteristics were recorded. Results: Among the 5000 CBCT radiographs, 10 (0.2%) SBD cases were diagnosed, 9 in males and only 1 case in a female. All SBDs were between the molar regions and the angle of mandible and were categorized as the posterior variant of SBD. In our studied cases SBD was near the inferiorborder of mandible and in 3 cases the depressions disrupted the continuity of the inferior mandibular border. The lesion’s shape was oval in 7 cases and round in the others. In total 5 cases were categorized as type I, 4 as type II and one case as type III of SBD. Conclusion: According to our findings, SBD is an uncommon lesion in the mandible and CBCT can be used as a non-invasive method to detect this defect. Keywords: Stafne bone defect (SBD), Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), Panoramic radiography.
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[2] Stafne E. Bone Cavities situated near the angle ofthe mandible. J Am Assoc 1942; 29: 1969-1972.
[3] Phillipsen H, Takata T, Reichart P, Sato S, Suei Y.Lingual and buccal mandibuiar bone depressions:a review based on 583 cases from a world- wide literaturesurvey including 69 new cases from Japan.Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2002 Sep; 31(5):281-90.
[4] Abuabara A, Filho F, Cruz G, Cuerino L, GiovanniA. Cone beam tomography evaluation of lingualcortical mandibuiar defect diagnosed as stafnebone cavity. Revista Sul- brasileria de odontolgia2009; 6: 104-107.
[5] Quesada-Gómez C, Valmaseda-Castellón E, Berini-Aytés L, Gay-Escoda C. Stafne bone cavity: aretrospective study of 11 cases. Med Oral PatolOral Cir Bucal 2006; 11:E277-280
[6] Sisman Y, Etöz OA, Mavili E, Sahman H, TarimErtas E. Anterior Stafne bone defect mimicking aresidual cyst: a case report. Dentomaxillofac Radiol2010; 39:124-126.
[7] Quesada-Gómez C, Valmaseda-Castellón E, Berini-Aytés L, Gay-Escoda C. Stafne bone cavity: aretrospective study of 11 cases. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2006 May 1; 11(3):E277-80.
[8] Prapanpoch S, Langiais R. Lingual cortical defect of the mandible: an unusual presentation and tomographicdiagnosis. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 1994;23:234-237.
[9] Campos S, oliveria J, Dantas A. Stafne’s Defect withBuccal Cortical Expansion: A Case Report. Int JDent. 2010; 2010:515931.
[10] Etoz M, Etoz OA, Sahman H, Sekerci A, Polat H .An unusual case of multilocular Stafne bone cavity.Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2012 Jan; 41(1):75-8.
[11] Quesada-Gómez C1, Valmaseda-Castellón E, Berini-Aytés L, Gay-Escoda C.. Stafne bone cavity:retrospective study of 11 cases. Med Oral PatolOral Cir Bucal. 2006 May 1; 11(3):E277-80.
[12] White SC, Pharaoh MJ. Developmental disturbancesof the face and Jaws oral radiology principlesand interpretation. 4th ed. Mosby; 2000. p598-600
[13] Bornstein MM, Wiest R, Balsiger R, Reichart PA.Anterior Stafne’s bone cavity mimicking a periapicallesion of endodontic origin: report of two cases.J Endod. 2009 Nov; 35(11):1598-602.
[14] Noonan V, Kemp S, Gallagher G, Kabana S. Stafnedefect. J Mass Dent Soc. 2008 Summer; 57(2):41.
[15] Philipsen HP, Takata T, Reichart PA, Sato S, Suei Y.Lingual and buccal mandibular bone depressions:a review based on 583 cases from a world-wide literaturesurvey, including 69 new cases from Japan.Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2002 Sep; 31(5):281-90.
[16] Sisman Y, Miloglu O, Sekerci AE, Demirtas O,Tokmak TT. Radiographic evaluation on prevalenceof stafne bone defect: a study from two centers in Turkey. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2012 Feb;41(2):152-8.
[17] Shimizu M, Osa N, Okamura K, Yoshiura K. CTanalysis of the Stafne’s bone defects of the mandible.Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2006 Mar; 35(2):95-102.
[18] Hansson L. Development of a lingual mandibularbone cavity in a 11-year-old boy. Oral Surg OralMed Oral Pathol. 1980 Apr; 49(4):376-8.
[19] White SC, Pharaoh MJ. Oral Radiology Principlesand Interpretation, 5th edn st . Louis, Mo:Mosby- Year Book, 2004, pp 639-657
[20] Münevvero ğlu AP1, Aydın KC. Stafne bone defect:report of two cases. Case Rep Dent. 2012;2012:654839.
[21] De Courten A, kuffer R, Samson J, Lombardi T.Anterior lingual mandibular salivary gland defect(Stafne defect) presenting as aresidual cyst.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.2002 Oct; 94(4):460-4.
[22] Turkoglu k, krafft T, Eggert J, Karl M. Stafnes bonedefect in the anterior mandible—a diagnostic dilemma.J Craniofac Surg. 2010; 21:1769-75.
[23] Sisman Y, Etöz OA, Mavili E, Sahman H, TarimErtas E.. Anterior stafne bone defect mimicking aresidual cyst: a case report . Dentomaxillofac Radiol.2010 Feb; 39(2):124-6.
[24] Ogunsalu C1, Pillai K, Barclay S. Radiological assessmentof type II Stafne idiopathic bone cyst ina patientundergoing implant therapy: a case report.West Indian Med J. 2006 Dec; 55(6):447-50.
[25] Li B, Long X, Cheng Y, Wang S. Cone beam CTSialography of stafne bone cavity. DentomaxillofacRadiol 2011; 40:519-23.
[26] Simpson W. A stafnes mandibular defect containinga pleomorphic adenoma. J Oral Surg 1965;23:553-6.
[27] Graham EE, A probable submandibular gland defectin a prehistoric mandible. Oral Surgery OralMedicin Oral Pathology Oral Radiology Endodontics1980; 50:187-189
[28] Mann RW, Tsaknis PJ. Cortical defects in the mandibularsulcus. Oral surgery Oral Medicine andoral Pathology 1999; 71: 514-516.
[2] Stafne E. Bone Cavities situated near the angle ofthe mandible. J Am Assoc 1942; 29: 1969-1972.
[3] Phillipsen H, Takata T, Reichart P, Sato S, Suei Y.Lingual and buccal mandibuiar bone depressions:a review based on 583 cases from a world- wide literaturesurvey including 69 new cases from Japan.Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2002 Sep; 31(5):281-90.
[4] Abuabara A, Filho F, Cruz G, Cuerino L, GiovanniA. Cone beam tomography evaluation of lingualcortical mandibuiar defect diagnosed as stafnebone cavity. Revista Sul- brasileria de odontolgia2009; 6: 104-107.
[5] Quesada-Gómez C, Valmaseda-Castellón E, Berini-Aytés L, Gay-Escoda C. Stafne bone cavity: aretrospective study of 11 cases. Med Oral PatolOral Cir Bucal 2006; 11:E277-280
[6] Sisman Y, Etöz OA, Mavili E, Sahman H, TarimErtas E. Anterior Stafne bone defect mimicking aresidual cyst: a case report. Dentomaxillofac Radiol2010; 39:124-126.
[7] Quesada-Gómez C, Valmaseda-Castellón E, Berini-Aytés L, Gay-Escoda C. Stafne bone cavity: aretrospective study of 11 cases. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2006 May 1; 11(3):E277-80.
[8] Prapanpoch S, Langiais R. Lingual cortical defect of the mandible: an unusual presentation and tomographicdiagnosis. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 1994;23:234-237.
[9] Campos S, oliveria J, Dantas A. Stafne’s Defect withBuccal Cortical Expansion: A Case Report. Int JDent. 2010; 2010:515931.
[10] Etoz M, Etoz OA, Sahman H, Sekerci A, Polat H .An unusual case of multilocular Stafne bone cavity.Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2012 Jan; 41(1):75-8.
[11] Quesada-Gómez C1, Valmaseda-Castellón E, Berini-Aytés L, Gay-Escoda C.. Stafne bone cavity:retrospective study of 11 cases. Med Oral PatolOral Cir Bucal. 2006 May 1; 11(3):E277-80.
[12] White SC, Pharaoh MJ. Developmental disturbancesof the face and Jaws oral radiology principlesand interpretation. 4th ed. Mosby; 2000. p598-600
[13] Bornstein MM, Wiest R, Balsiger R, Reichart PA.Anterior Stafne’s bone cavity mimicking a periapicallesion of endodontic origin: report of two cases.J Endod. 2009 Nov; 35(11):1598-602.
[14] Noonan V, Kemp S, Gallagher G, Kabana S. Stafnedefect. J Mass Dent Soc. 2008 Summer; 57(2):41.
[15] Philipsen HP, Takata T, Reichart PA, Sato S, Suei Y.Lingual and buccal mandibular bone depressions:a review based on 583 cases from a world-wide literaturesurvey, including 69 new cases from Japan.Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2002 Sep; 31(5):281-90.
[16] Sisman Y, Miloglu O, Sekerci AE, Demirtas O,Tokmak TT. Radiographic evaluation on prevalenceof stafne bone defect: a study from two centers in Turkey. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2012 Feb;41(2):152-8.
[17] Shimizu M, Osa N, Okamura K, Yoshiura K. CTanalysis of the Stafne’s bone defects of the mandible.Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2006 Mar; 35(2):95-102.
[18] Hansson L. Development of a lingual mandibularbone cavity in a 11-year-old boy. Oral Surg OralMed Oral Pathol. 1980 Apr; 49(4):376-8.
[19] White SC, Pharaoh MJ. Oral Radiology Principlesand Interpretation, 5th edn st . Louis, Mo:Mosby- Year Book, 2004, pp 639-657
[20] Münevvero ğlu AP1, Aydın KC. Stafne bone defect:report of two cases. Case Rep Dent. 2012;2012:654839.
[21] De Courten A, kuffer R, Samson J, Lombardi T.Anterior lingual mandibular salivary gland defect(Stafne defect) presenting as aresidual cyst.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.2002 Oct; 94(4):460-4.
[22] Turkoglu k, krafft T, Eggert J, Karl M. Stafnes bonedefect in the anterior mandible—a diagnostic dilemma.J Craniofac Surg. 2010; 21:1769-75.
[23] Sisman Y, Etöz OA, Mavili E, Sahman H, TarimErtas E.. Anterior stafne bone defect mimicking aresidual cyst: a case report . Dentomaxillofac Radiol.2010 Feb; 39(2):124-6.
[24] Ogunsalu C1, Pillai K, Barclay S. Radiological assessmentof type II Stafne idiopathic bone cyst ina patientundergoing implant therapy: a case report.West Indian Med J. 2006 Dec; 55(6):447-50.
[25] Li B, Long X, Cheng Y, Wang S. Cone beam CTSialography of stafne bone cavity. DentomaxillofacRadiol 2011; 40:519-23.
[26] Simpson W. A stafnes mandibular defect containinga pleomorphic adenoma. J Oral Surg 1965;23:553-6.
[27] Graham EE, A probable submandibular gland defectin a prehistoric mandible. Oral Surgery OralMedicin Oral Pathology Oral Radiology Endodontics1980; 50:187-189
[28] Mann RW, Tsaknis PJ. Cortical defects in the mandibularsulcus. Oral surgery Oral Medicine andoral Pathology 1999; 71: 514-516.
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Issue | Vol 5, No 1 (Winter 2018) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Stafne bone defect (SBD) Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) Panoramic radiography. |
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How to Cite
Vaezi T, Razmara F, Khajavi A, Hoseini Zarch SH. Radiographic evaluation of Stafne Bone Cyst in patients referred to a radiology center in Mashhad, Iran: A 3-year survey. J Craniomaxillofac Res. 2018;5(1):43-49.