Investigation of the impact pattern of maxillary third molars in Ardabil population
Purpose: The aim of present investigation was to evaluate frequency of different angles, numbers of roots, depth of impaction in maxillary third molarsand their damages to nearby structuresby analyzing panoramic radiography. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted by analyzing panoramic radiography 382 (124 men & 258 women) patients who referred to baser radiography center, rad radiography center and Ardabil dental school between year 2014 to 2015. Results: The most frequent angle of impacted teeth in maxillary third molar in both genders was vertical (48/9%), and the most frequent depth was class C according Winter Classification System (46/8%), in approximately 85% of cases No space between teeth and sinus was observed and according to numbers of roots 54% of teeth had 2 roots, 22% 3 roots and 8% had only one root. The most important damage to nearby structures was angular periodontal lesions which were demonstrated in radiography (52%), making caries on second molars (100%), root resorption on second molars (6%) and in 18% no harmful lesions on molar 2 or radiographic lesions were detected. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, most of third impacted maxillary molars had enough space to maxillary sinus and most of them were vertically, thus extraction of these impacted teeth seems simple and possible. Keywords: Panoramic radiographs; Maxillae; Mandible; Impacted tooth; Ankylosis, Dilaceration; Alveolar clefts; Cleidocranial dysplasia; Amelogenesis imperfecta; Dentigerous cyst; Supernumerary teeth.
1. Peterson LJ, Ellis E, Hupp JR, Tucker MR.Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery.4th ed.Mosby: St Louis; 2003:195-235.
2. Miloro M, Ghali GE, Larsen P, Waite P.Peterson's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.3rd Ed.People's Medical Publishing House-USA; 2012.
3. Almendros-Marques N, Alaejos-Algarra E, Quinteros-Berini-Aytes L, Gay-Escoda C. Factors influencing the prophylactic removal of asymptomatic impacted lower third molars.Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008 ;37(1):29-35
4. Moyer RE.Handbook of orthodontic.4th ed.Chicago:Year Book;1988.
5. Fonseca RJ, Frost DE, Hirsh EV, Levin LM.Oral and Maxillofacial surgery. 1st.Philadelphia: WB Saunders;2000. p. 245-51.
6. Andreasen JO.Epidemiology of third molar impactions.In:Andeasen JO, Peterson K, Laskin DM.Text book and color text book and color atlas of tooth Impaction.3rd .Munksgaard:Copenhagen;1997. p. 222-3.
7. Andreasen JO.Epidemiology of third molar impactions.In: Andreasan JO, Petersen JK, Laskin DM.eds:Textbook and Color Atlas of Tooth Impactions.Copenhagen:Munksgaard; 1997:222-3.
8. Kumar Pillai A, Thomas s, Paul G, Singh SK, Moghe s.Incidence of impacted third molars: a radiographic study in people s hospital, Bhopal, India. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2014;4:76-81.
9. Gupta S, Bhowate RR, Nigam N, Saxena S.Evaluation of impacted mandibular third molar by panoramic radiography.ISNR Dent 2011.
10. Elsey MJ, Rock WP.Influence of orthodontic treatment on development of third molars.Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2000;38:350-3.
11.Nanci A.Ten Cate's Oral Histology.8th Ed.Montreal:British Dental Association News; March 2013.
12. Becker A.Early treatment for impacted maxillary incisors.Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2002;121:586–587.
13. Becker A.Orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth. 3rd ed.Wiley-Blackwell 2012.
14. Newsome PRH, Chow RLK, Cheung LK.Prevalence of impacted teeth and associated pathologies – a radiographic study of the Hong Kong Chinese population.Hong Kong Med J 2003; 9:158–63.
15. Power SM, Short MB.An investigation into the response of palatally displaced canines to the removal of deciduous canines and an assessment of factors contributing to a favourable eruption.Br J Orthod 1993; 20:215–23.
16. Peterson LJ.Principles of management of impacted teeth.In Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery.Edited by Peterson LJ, Ellis EIII, Hupp JR, Tucker MR. St Louis: CV Mosby 1988:223–56.
17. Pell GJ, Gregory G.Report on a ten year stady of a tooth division technique for the removal of impacted teeth.Am J Oral Surg 1942;28:660.
18. Archer HW.Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.5th ed.PhiladelphiaPA,WB Saunders 1975: 311.
19. Asber Ab Tong Lim, Cbin Wee Wong, John C. Maxillary Third molar:Patterns of impaction and Their Relation to Oroantral Perforation.American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012 70:1035-1039.
20. Quek SL, Tay KS, Lim KC.Pattern of third molar impaction in a Singapore Chinese population:a retrospective radiographic survey. Int. J Oral Maxillofacial Surg 2003;32:548-52.
21. Hatem MA, Bugaighis IM, Taher EL.Pattern of third molar impaction in Libyan population:A retrospective radiographic.Saudi journal for Dental Research 2015 Apr.
22. Tong Lim Ab.Maxillary Third molar:patterns of Impaction and Their relaetion to Oradental per formation.j Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012;70:1035-39.
23. White S, Pharoah M.Oral Radiology.7th Ed.California:British Dental Journal;2014.
24. Lindh C, Petersson A, Klinge B, Nilsson M.Trabecular bone volum and bone mineral dentisty in the mandible.Dentomaxillofac Radiol 1997;26(2):101-6.
25. Jung YH, Nah KS, Cho BH.Assessment of the relationship btween the mandibular third molar and the mandibular canal using panoramic radiograph and cone-beem computed tomography.Korean J Oral Maxillofac Radiol 2008;38(3):163-7.
26. NevillemBW, Damm,Allen CM, Bouquoti E.Oral and maxillofacial pathology. 2nd.Philadelphaia:WB Saunders;2002. p:66.
27. Al-Anqudi SA, Al-Sudairy SA, Al-Hosni AH, Al-Maniri AB.Prevalence and Pattern of Third Molar Impaction.Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J 2014 Aug;14(3): 388-392.
28. Someet SA, Tejinder KA.Radiographic evaluation of the status of third molars in the Asian- Indian Students.J oral maxillofac Surg 2005;63: 640-45.
29. Schersten E, Lvsell L, Rohlin M.Prevalence of impacted third molars in denlat students. Swed Dent J 1989;13(1-2):7-13.
30. Tudsri S.Incidence of impacted wisdom teeth and complication in Thai community. J Dent Assoc Thai 1988 Jul- Aug;38(4):163-9.
31. Mattam FN, Rawasdeh MA, Fahmy MS.Impaction status of third molar in Jordanian students.Oral Surg oral Med Oral pathol Radio Endod 1995 Jan;79(1):24-9.
32. Fielding AF, Douglass AF, Whitely RD.Reasons for early removal of impacted third molars.Clin Prev Dent 1981;3:19-23.
33. Hellman M.Our third molar Teeth: their eruption,Presence and abdsence.Dental cosmos 1936;18:750-62.
34. Venta I, Turtola L, Ylipaavalniemi P.Radiographic follow-up of impacted third molars from age 20-32 years.Int J oral maxillofac surgery 2001;30: 54-7.
35. Hugoson A, KugelBerg CF. The prevalence of third molars in a Swedish population. An epidemiological study. Community Dental Health 1988; 5:121-38.
36. Bishara SE.Impacted maxillary canines:A review.Semin Orthod 1998 Jun;4(2):87-98.
2. Miloro M, Ghali GE, Larsen P, Waite P.Peterson's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.3rd Ed.People's Medical Publishing House-USA; 2012.
3. Almendros-Marques N, Alaejos-Algarra E, Quinteros-Berini-Aytes L, Gay-Escoda C. Factors influencing the prophylactic removal of asymptomatic impacted lower third molars.Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008 ;37(1):29-35
4. Moyer RE.Handbook of orthodontic.4th ed.Chicago:Year Book;1988.
5. Fonseca RJ, Frost DE, Hirsh EV, Levin LM.Oral and Maxillofacial surgery. 1st.Philadelphia: WB Saunders;2000. p. 245-51.
6. Andreasen JO.Epidemiology of third molar impactions.In:Andeasen JO, Peterson K, Laskin DM.Text book and color text book and color atlas of tooth Impaction.3rd .Munksgaard:Copenhagen;1997. p. 222-3.
7. Andreasen JO.Epidemiology of third molar impactions.In: Andreasan JO, Petersen JK, Laskin DM.eds:Textbook and Color Atlas of Tooth Impactions.Copenhagen:Munksgaard; 1997:222-3.
8. Kumar Pillai A, Thomas s, Paul G, Singh SK, Moghe s.Incidence of impacted third molars: a radiographic study in people s hospital, Bhopal, India. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2014;4:76-81.
9. Gupta S, Bhowate RR, Nigam N, Saxena S.Evaluation of impacted mandibular third molar by panoramic radiography.ISNR Dent 2011.
10. Elsey MJ, Rock WP.Influence of orthodontic treatment on development of third molars.Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2000;38:350-3.
11.Nanci A.Ten Cate's Oral Histology.8th Ed.Montreal:British Dental Association News; March 2013.
12. Becker A.Early treatment for impacted maxillary incisors.Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2002;121:586–587.
13. Becker A.Orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth. 3rd ed.Wiley-Blackwell 2012.
14. Newsome PRH, Chow RLK, Cheung LK.Prevalence of impacted teeth and associated pathologies – a radiographic study of the Hong Kong Chinese population.Hong Kong Med J 2003; 9:158–63.
15. Power SM, Short MB.An investigation into the response of palatally displaced canines to the removal of deciduous canines and an assessment of factors contributing to a favourable eruption.Br J Orthod 1993; 20:215–23.
16. Peterson LJ.Principles of management of impacted teeth.In Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery.Edited by Peterson LJ, Ellis EIII, Hupp JR, Tucker MR. St Louis: CV Mosby 1988:223–56.
17. Pell GJ, Gregory G.Report on a ten year stady of a tooth division technique for the removal of impacted teeth.Am J Oral Surg 1942;28:660.
18. Archer HW.Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.5th ed.PhiladelphiaPA,WB Saunders 1975: 311.
19. Asber Ab Tong Lim, Cbin Wee Wong, John C. Maxillary Third molar:Patterns of impaction and Their Relation to Oroantral Perforation.American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012 70:1035-1039.
20. Quek SL, Tay KS, Lim KC.Pattern of third molar impaction in a Singapore Chinese population:a retrospective radiographic survey. Int. J Oral Maxillofacial Surg 2003;32:548-52.
21. Hatem MA, Bugaighis IM, Taher EL.Pattern of third molar impaction in Libyan population:A retrospective radiographic.Saudi journal for Dental Research 2015 Apr.
22. Tong Lim Ab.Maxillary Third molar:patterns of Impaction and Their relaetion to Oradental per formation.j Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012;70:1035-39.
23. White S, Pharoah M.Oral Radiology.7th Ed.California:British Dental Journal;2014.
24. Lindh C, Petersson A, Klinge B, Nilsson M.Trabecular bone volum and bone mineral dentisty in the mandible.Dentomaxillofac Radiol 1997;26(2):101-6.
25. Jung YH, Nah KS, Cho BH.Assessment of the relationship btween the mandibular third molar and the mandibular canal using panoramic radiograph and cone-beem computed tomography.Korean J Oral Maxillofac Radiol 2008;38(3):163-7.
26. NevillemBW, Damm,Allen CM, Bouquoti E.Oral and maxillofacial pathology. 2nd.Philadelphaia:WB Saunders;2002. p:66.
27. Al-Anqudi SA, Al-Sudairy SA, Al-Hosni AH, Al-Maniri AB.Prevalence and Pattern of Third Molar Impaction.Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J 2014 Aug;14(3): 388-392.
28. Someet SA, Tejinder KA.Radiographic evaluation of the status of third molars in the Asian- Indian Students.J oral maxillofac Surg 2005;63: 640-45.
29. Schersten E, Lvsell L, Rohlin M.Prevalence of impacted third molars in denlat students. Swed Dent J 1989;13(1-2):7-13.
30. Tudsri S.Incidence of impacted wisdom teeth and complication in Thai community. J Dent Assoc Thai 1988 Jul- Aug;38(4):163-9.
31. Mattam FN, Rawasdeh MA, Fahmy MS.Impaction status of third molar in Jordanian students.Oral Surg oral Med Oral pathol Radio Endod 1995 Jan;79(1):24-9.
32. Fielding AF, Douglass AF, Whitely RD.Reasons for early removal of impacted third molars.Clin Prev Dent 1981;3:19-23.
33. Hellman M.Our third molar Teeth: their eruption,Presence and abdsence.Dental cosmos 1936;18:750-62.
34. Venta I, Turtola L, Ylipaavalniemi P.Radiographic follow-up of impacted third molars from age 20-32 years.Int J oral maxillofac surgery 2001;30: 54-7.
35. Hugoson A, KugelBerg CF. The prevalence of third molars in a Swedish population. An epidemiological study. Community Dental Health 1988; 5:121-38.
36. Bishara SE.Impacted maxillary canines:A review.Semin Orthod 1998 Jun;4(2):87-98.
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Issue | Vol 7, No 2 (Spring 2020) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Panoramic radiographs Maxillae Mandible Impacted tooth Ankylosis Dilaceration Alveolar clefts Cleidocranial dysplasia Amelogenesis imperfecta Dentigerous cyst Supernumerary teeth |
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How to Cite
Hajmohammadi E, Eslami Z, Mortazavi Z, Khalili V. Investigation of the impact pattern of maxillary third molars in Ardabil population. J Craniomaxillofac Res. 2020;7(2):84-90.