Prevalence of oral soft tissue lesions: A review
Statement of the Problem: Mesenchymal tissue origin is one of the most common lesion in oral cavity. Most of these lesions are exuberant response to local irritation produces a soft tissue enlargement which are similar to neoplastic pathologic processes. Due to this diagnostic challenge the present study was conducted for reviewing the prevalence of soft tissue lesions. Search Strategy: The English articles in scientific databases including Google Scholar, Science Direct, Medline, and PubMed, published between 2007 and 2019, were searched by using relevant keywords including oral soft tissue lesion, oral mucosal lesion, neoplastic soft tissue lesion, reactive lesion, hyperplastic lesion and non-neoplastic soft tissue lesion. Finally, forty-nine articles were reviewed in this study. Conclusion: Findings showed that the most diagnosed lesions were benign in nature, and inflammatory in origin. Among this reactive/non-neoplastic lesions, fibrotic lesions, such as irritation fibroma or fibrous hyperplasia, were the most abundant lesions reported. There is a pronounced female predilection, and reactive lesions are most common in the fourth to sixth decades of life. Regarding the location of reactive lesions, the gingival mucosa was the most common site of involvement. Tumoral lesions with the origin of vascular, fibrotic and fat were the most commonly reported tumors.
1. Skinner HB, McMahon PJ. Current diagnosis & treatment in orthopedics. 5th ed. Stamford, Conn: Lange Medical Books/McGraw Hill. 2006, p. 346.
2. Avon SL, Klieb HB. Oral soft-tissue biopsy: an overview. J Can Dent Assoc. 2012; 78: c75.
3. Wu JS, Hochman MG. Soft-tissue tumors and tumorlike lesions: a systematic imaging approach. Radiology. 2009; 253: 297-316.
4. Sollecito Th.P. Oral Soft Tissue Lesions. Dent Clin N Am. 2005; 49: xvii–xix
5. Amirchaghmaghi M, Mohtasham N, Mosannen Mozafari P, Dalirsani Z. Survey of Reactive Hyperplastic Lesions of the Oral Cavity in Mashhad, Northeast Iran. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospect. 2011; 5: 128-131
6. El Toum S, Cassia A, Bouchi N, Kassab I. Prevalence and Distribution of Oral Mucosal Lesions by Sex and Age Categories: A Retrospective Study of Patients Attending Lebanese School of Dentistry. Int J Dent. 2018; 2018: 4030134.
7. Farynowska J, Błochowiak K, Trzybulska D, Wyganowska-Świątkowska M. Retrospective analysis of reactive hyperplastic lesions in the oral cavity. Eur J Clin Exp Med. 2018; 16: 92–96.
8. Buchner A, Shnaiderman-Shapiro A, Vered M. Relative frequency of localized reactive hyperplastic lesions of the gingiva: a retrospective study of 1675 cases from Israel. J Oral Pathol Med. 2010; 39: 631-638.
9. Ala Aghbali A, Vosough Hosseini S, Harasi B, Janani M, Mahmoudi SM. Reactive hyperplasia of the oral cavity: a survey of 197 cases in tabriz, northwest iran. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2010; 4: 87-89.
10. El-Gehani R, Orafi M, Elarbi M, Subhashraj K. Benign tumours of orofacial region at Benghazi, Libya: a study of 405 cases. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2009; 37: 370-375.
11. Hashemi Pour M.A, Rad M, Mojtahedi A. A Survey of Soft Tissue Tumor-Like Lesions of Oral Cavity: A Clinicopathological Study. Iranian Journal of Pathology. 2008; 3: 81- 87
12. Zarei MR, Chamani G, Amanpoor S. Reactive hyperplasia of the oral cavity in Kerman province, Iran: a review of 172 cases. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007; 45: 288-292.
13. Zhang W, Chen Y, An Z, Geng N, Bao D. Reactive gingival lesions: a retrospective study of 2,439 cases. Quintessence Int. 2007; 38: 103-110.
14. Alhindi N.A, Sindi A.M, Binmadi N.O, Elias W.Y. A retrospective study of oral and maxillofacial pathology lesions diagnosed at the Faculty of Dentistry, King abdulaziz University. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry. 2019; 11: 45–52.
15. Mahmoudi P, Razavi SM, Tahani B. Orofacial Pathological Lesions in Children and Adolescents: A 25-year survey in Iran. J Dent (Shiraz). 2018; 19: 265-272.
16. Prosdócimo ML, Agostini M, Romañach MJ, de Andrade BA. A retrospective analysis of oral and maxillofacial pathology in a pediatric population from Rio de Janeiro-Brazil over a 75-year period. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2018; 23: e511-e517.
17. Torabi-Parizi M, Poureslami H, Torabi-Parizi S, Kalantari M. A retrospective study of children and adolescents oral and maxillofacial lesions over a 20-year period in Kerman, Iran. J Oral Health. Oral Epidemiol. 2017; 6: 203-210.
18. Qannam A, O. Bello I. The range of diagnoses for oral soft-tissue biopsies of geriatric patients in a Saudi Arabian teaching hospital. The Saudi Dental Journal. 2016; 28: 96–101.
19. Jaafari Ashkavandi Z, Ahmadi Sheshdeh Z, Kamali F. Orofacial pathologic lesions in children and adolescents: a clinicopathological study in southern iran. Iran J Pediatr. 2014; 24: 307-312.
20. Effiom OA, Adeyemo WL, Soyele OO. Focal Reactive lesions of the Gingiva: An Analysis of 314 cases at a tertiary Health Institution in Nigeria. Niger Med J. 2011; 52: 35-40.
21. Sangle VA, Pooja VK, Holani A, Shah N, Chaudhary M, Khanapure S. Reactive hyperplastic lesions of the oral cavity: A retrospective survey study and literature review. Indian J Dent Res. 2018; 29: 61-66.
22. Dutra KL, Longo L, Grando LJ, Rivero ERC. Incidence of reactive hyperplastic lesions in the oral cavity: a 10-year retrospective study in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2019; 85: 399-407.
23. Hernández-Ríos P, Espinoza I, Salinas M, Rodríguez-Castro F, Baeza M, Hernández M. Distribution of biopsied non plaque-induced gingival lesions in a Chilean population according to the classification of periodontal diseases. BMC Oral Health. 2018; 18: 112.
24. Sonkodi I, Boda K, Decsi G, Buzás K, Nagy K. [A clinicopathological retrospective epidemiological analysis of benign tumors and tumor-like lesions in the oral and maxillofacial region, diagnosed at the University of Szeged, Department of Oral Medicine (1960-2014)]. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159: 1516-1524.
25. Vani NV, Idris AM, Saleh SM, Tubaigy FM, Alharbi FA, Sharwani AA, et al. Retrospective analysis of benign orofacial tumors at a tertiary referral center in Saudi Arabia. J Investig Clin Dent. 2017; 8.
26. Keche P.N, Gadpayle N.P, Gawarle S.H, Chamania G.A. An observational study of benign oral lesions in central India. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017; 3: 816-820
27. Vidyanath S, Shameena PM, Johns DA, Shivashankar VY, Sudha S, Varma S. Reactive hyperplasic lesions of the oral cavity: A survey of 295 cases at a Tertiary Health Institution in Kerala. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2015; 19: 330-334.
28. Calisir M, Ege B, Talmac A.C, Yuncu Y.Z. Reactive Hyperplasia of the Oral Cavity in Southeast Anatolia: A Clinicopathological Study. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2018; 17: 24-29
29. Alblowi JA, Binmadi NO. Histopathologic analysis of gingival lesions: A 20-year retrospective study at one academic dental center. J Clin Exp Dent. 2018; 10: e561-e566.
30. Tamiolakis P, Chatzopoulou E, Frakouli F, Tosios KI, Sklavounou-Andrikopoulou A. Localized gingival enlargements. A clinicopathological study of 1187 cases. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2018; 23: e320-e325.
31. Monteiro LS, Albuquerque R, Paiva A, de la Peña-Moral J, Amaral JB, Lopes CA. A comparative analysis of oral and maxillofacial pathology over a 16-year period, in the north of Portugal. Int Dent J. 2017; 67: 38-45.
32. Shahsavari F, Sadri D, Jolehar M, Farzanehnejad R. Epidemiologic Study of the Prevalence of Oral Mucosal Lesions in the Biopsied Samples at Buali and Imam Khomeini Hospitals from 2000 to 2014. J Res Dentomaxillofac Sci. 2016; 1: 28-33.
33. Kadeh H, Saravani S, Tajik M. Reactive Hyperplastic Lesions of the Oral Cavity. Iran J Otorhinolaryngol. 2015; 27: 137–144.
34. Manjunatha BS, Sutariya R, Nagamahita V, Dholia B, Shah V. Analysis of gingival biopsies in the Gujarati population: a retrospective study. J Cancer Res Ther. 2014; 10: 1088-1092.
35. Hunasgi S, Koneru A, Vanishree M, Manvikar V, Patil A.M, Gottipati H. Retrospective analysis of the clinical features of 530 cases of reactive lesions of oral cavity. J of Adv Clin & Res Insights. 2014; 1: 1–6
36. Kashyap B, Reddy PS, Nalini P. Reactive lesions of oral cavity: A survey of 100 cases in Eluru, West Godavari district. Contemp Clin Dent. 2012; 3: 294-297.
37. Shahsavari F, Khourkiaee S.S, Ghasemi Moridani Sh. Epidemiologic Study of Benign Soft Tissue Tumors of Oral Cavity in an Iranian Population. Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, Pathology and Surgery. 2012; 1: 10-14.
38. Chen JY, Wang WC, Chen YK, Lin LM. A retrospective study of trauma-associated oral and maxillofacial lesions in a population from southern Taiwan. J Appl Oral Sci. 2010; 18: 5-9.
39. Kilinc A, Saruhan N, Gundogdu B, Yalcin E, Ertas U, Urvasizoglu G. Benign tumors and tumor-like lesions of the oral cavity and jaws: An analysis of 709 cases. Niger J Clin Pract. 2017; 20: 1448-1454.
40. Bhatnagar P, Rai S, Bhatnagar G, Kaur M, Goel S, Prabhat M. Prevalence study of oral mucosal lesions, mucosal variants, and treatment required for patients reporting to a dental school in North India: In accordance with WHO guidelines. J Family Community Med. 2013; 20: 41-48.
41. Naderi NJ, Eshghyar N, Esfehanian H. Reactive lesions of the oral cavity: A retrospective study on 2068 cases. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2012; 9: 251-255.
42. Buchner A, Shnaiderman A, Vared M. Pediatric localized reactive gingival lesions: a retrospective study from Israel. Pediatr Dent. 2010; 32: 486-492.
43. Saleh SM, Idris AM, Vani NV, Tubaigy FM, Alharbi FA, Sharwani AA, et al. Retrospective analysis of biopsied oral and maxillofacial lesions in South-Western Saudi Arabia. Saudi Med J. 2017; 38: 405-412.
44. Babu B, Hallikeri K. Reactive lesions of oral cavity: A retrospective study of 659 cases. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2017; 21: 258-263.
45. Maturana-Ramírez A, Adorno-Farías D, Reyes-Rojas M, Farías-Vergara M, Aitken-Saavedra J. A retrospective analysis of reactive hyperplastic lesions of the oral cavity: study of 1149 cases diagnosed between 2000 and 2011, Chile. Acta Odontol Latinoam. 2015; 28: 103-107.
46. Ghasemi Moridani Sh, Shaahsavari F, Adeli M.B. A 7-year retrospective study of biopsied oral lesions in 460 Iranian patients. RSBO. 2014; 11: 118-124
47. Akinyamoju A.O, Adeyemi B.F, Kolude B. Localized Reactive Lesions of the Oral Cavity: A Review of 246 Cases in Ibadan. The Internet Journal of Dental Science. 2013; 12: 1-7
48. Reddy V, Saxena S, Saxena S, Reddy M. Reactive hyperplastic lesions of the oral cavity: A ten-year observational study on North Indian Population. J Clin Exp Dent. 2012; 4: e136-140.
49. Silva LVO, Arruda JAA, Martelli SJ, Kato CNAO, Nunes LFM, Vasconcelos ACU, Tarquinio SBC, et al. A multicenter study of biopsied oral and maxillofacial lesions in a Brazilian pediatric population. Braz Oral Res. 2018; 32: e20. doi: 10.1590/1807-3107bor-2018.vol32.0020.
50. Ali M, Sundaram D. Biopsied oral soft tissue lesions in Kuwait: a six-year retrospective analysis. Med Princ Pract. 2012; 21: 569-575.
51. Kalyanyama BM, Matee MI, Vuhahula E. Oral tumours in Tanzanian children based on biopsy materials examined over a 15-year period from 1982 to 1997. Int Dent J. 2002; 52: 10-4.
52. Lei F, Chen PH, Chen JY, Wang WC, Lin LM, Huang HC, et al. Retrospective study of biopsied head and neck lesions in a cohort of referral Taiwanese patients. Head Face Med. 2014; 10: 28.
53. Allon I, Kaplan I, Gal G, Chaushu G, Allon DM. The clinical characteristics of benign oral mucosal tumors. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2014; 19: e438-443.
2. Avon SL, Klieb HB. Oral soft-tissue biopsy: an overview. J Can Dent Assoc. 2012; 78: c75.
3. Wu JS, Hochman MG. Soft-tissue tumors and tumorlike lesions: a systematic imaging approach. Radiology. 2009; 253: 297-316.
4. Sollecito Th.P. Oral Soft Tissue Lesions. Dent Clin N Am. 2005; 49: xvii–xix
5. Amirchaghmaghi M, Mohtasham N, Mosannen Mozafari P, Dalirsani Z. Survey of Reactive Hyperplastic Lesions of the Oral Cavity in Mashhad, Northeast Iran. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospect. 2011; 5: 128-131
6. El Toum S, Cassia A, Bouchi N, Kassab I. Prevalence and Distribution of Oral Mucosal Lesions by Sex and Age Categories: A Retrospective Study of Patients Attending Lebanese School of Dentistry. Int J Dent. 2018; 2018: 4030134.
7. Farynowska J, Błochowiak K, Trzybulska D, Wyganowska-Świątkowska M. Retrospective analysis of reactive hyperplastic lesions in the oral cavity. Eur J Clin Exp Med. 2018; 16: 92–96.
8. Buchner A, Shnaiderman-Shapiro A, Vered M. Relative frequency of localized reactive hyperplastic lesions of the gingiva: a retrospective study of 1675 cases from Israel. J Oral Pathol Med. 2010; 39: 631-638.
9. Ala Aghbali A, Vosough Hosseini S, Harasi B, Janani M, Mahmoudi SM. Reactive hyperplasia of the oral cavity: a survey of 197 cases in tabriz, northwest iran. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2010; 4: 87-89.
10. El-Gehani R, Orafi M, Elarbi M, Subhashraj K. Benign tumours of orofacial region at Benghazi, Libya: a study of 405 cases. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2009; 37: 370-375.
11. Hashemi Pour M.A, Rad M, Mojtahedi A. A Survey of Soft Tissue Tumor-Like Lesions of Oral Cavity: A Clinicopathological Study. Iranian Journal of Pathology. 2008; 3: 81- 87
12. Zarei MR, Chamani G, Amanpoor S. Reactive hyperplasia of the oral cavity in Kerman province, Iran: a review of 172 cases. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007; 45: 288-292.
13. Zhang W, Chen Y, An Z, Geng N, Bao D. Reactive gingival lesions: a retrospective study of 2,439 cases. Quintessence Int. 2007; 38: 103-110.
14. Alhindi N.A, Sindi A.M, Binmadi N.O, Elias W.Y. A retrospective study of oral and maxillofacial pathology lesions diagnosed at the Faculty of Dentistry, King abdulaziz University. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry. 2019; 11: 45–52.
15. Mahmoudi P, Razavi SM, Tahani B. Orofacial Pathological Lesions in Children and Adolescents: A 25-year survey in Iran. J Dent (Shiraz). 2018; 19: 265-272.
16. Prosdócimo ML, Agostini M, Romañach MJ, de Andrade BA. A retrospective analysis of oral and maxillofacial pathology in a pediatric population from Rio de Janeiro-Brazil over a 75-year period. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2018; 23: e511-e517.
17. Torabi-Parizi M, Poureslami H, Torabi-Parizi S, Kalantari M. A retrospective study of children and adolescents oral and maxillofacial lesions over a 20-year period in Kerman, Iran. J Oral Health. Oral Epidemiol. 2017; 6: 203-210.
18. Qannam A, O. Bello I. The range of diagnoses for oral soft-tissue biopsies of geriatric patients in a Saudi Arabian teaching hospital. The Saudi Dental Journal. 2016; 28: 96–101.
19. Jaafari Ashkavandi Z, Ahmadi Sheshdeh Z, Kamali F. Orofacial pathologic lesions in children and adolescents: a clinicopathological study in southern iran. Iran J Pediatr. 2014; 24: 307-312.
20. Effiom OA, Adeyemo WL, Soyele OO. Focal Reactive lesions of the Gingiva: An Analysis of 314 cases at a tertiary Health Institution in Nigeria. Niger Med J. 2011; 52: 35-40.
21. Sangle VA, Pooja VK, Holani A, Shah N, Chaudhary M, Khanapure S. Reactive hyperplastic lesions of the oral cavity: A retrospective survey study and literature review. Indian J Dent Res. 2018; 29: 61-66.
22. Dutra KL, Longo L, Grando LJ, Rivero ERC. Incidence of reactive hyperplastic lesions in the oral cavity: a 10-year retrospective study in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2019; 85: 399-407.
23. Hernández-Ríos P, Espinoza I, Salinas M, Rodríguez-Castro F, Baeza M, Hernández M. Distribution of biopsied non plaque-induced gingival lesions in a Chilean population according to the classification of periodontal diseases. BMC Oral Health. 2018; 18: 112.
24. Sonkodi I, Boda K, Decsi G, Buzás K, Nagy K. [A clinicopathological retrospective epidemiological analysis of benign tumors and tumor-like lesions in the oral and maxillofacial region, diagnosed at the University of Szeged, Department of Oral Medicine (1960-2014)]. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159: 1516-1524.
25. Vani NV, Idris AM, Saleh SM, Tubaigy FM, Alharbi FA, Sharwani AA, et al. Retrospective analysis of benign orofacial tumors at a tertiary referral center in Saudi Arabia. J Investig Clin Dent. 2017; 8.
26. Keche P.N, Gadpayle N.P, Gawarle S.H, Chamania G.A. An observational study of benign oral lesions in central India. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017; 3: 816-820
27. Vidyanath S, Shameena PM, Johns DA, Shivashankar VY, Sudha S, Varma S. Reactive hyperplasic lesions of the oral cavity: A survey of 295 cases at a Tertiary Health Institution in Kerala. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2015; 19: 330-334.
28. Calisir M, Ege B, Talmac A.C, Yuncu Y.Z. Reactive Hyperplasia of the Oral Cavity in Southeast Anatolia: A Clinicopathological Study. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2018; 17: 24-29
29. Alblowi JA, Binmadi NO. Histopathologic analysis of gingival lesions: A 20-year retrospective study at one academic dental center. J Clin Exp Dent. 2018; 10: e561-e566.
30. Tamiolakis P, Chatzopoulou E, Frakouli F, Tosios KI, Sklavounou-Andrikopoulou A. Localized gingival enlargements. A clinicopathological study of 1187 cases. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2018; 23: e320-e325.
31. Monteiro LS, Albuquerque R, Paiva A, de la Peña-Moral J, Amaral JB, Lopes CA. A comparative analysis of oral and maxillofacial pathology over a 16-year period, in the north of Portugal. Int Dent J. 2017; 67: 38-45.
32. Shahsavari F, Sadri D, Jolehar M, Farzanehnejad R. Epidemiologic Study of the Prevalence of Oral Mucosal Lesions in the Biopsied Samples at Buali and Imam Khomeini Hospitals from 2000 to 2014. J Res Dentomaxillofac Sci. 2016; 1: 28-33.
33. Kadeh H, Saravani S, Tajik M. Reactive Hyperplastic Lesions of the Oral Cavity. Iran J Otorhinolaryngol. 2015; 27: 137–144.
34. Manjunatha BS, Sutariya R, Nagamahita V, Dholia B, Shah V. Analysis of gingival biopsies in the Gujarati population: a retrospective study. J Cancer Res Ther. 2014; 10: 1088-1092.
35. Hunasgi S, Koneru A, Vanishree M, Manvikar V, Patil A.M, Gottipati H. Retrospective analysis of the clinical features of 530 cases of reactive lesions of oral cavity. J of Adv Clin & Res Insights. 2014; 1: 1–6
36. Kashyap B, Reddy PS, Nalini P. Reactive lesions of oral cavity: A survey of 100 cases in Eluru, West Godavari district. Contemp Clin Dent. 2012; 3: 294-297.
37. Shahsavari F, Khourkiaee S.S, Ghasemi Moridani Sh. Epidemiologic Study of Benign Soft Tissue Tumors of Oral Cavity in an Iranian Population. Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, Pathology and Surgery. 2012; 1: 10-14.
38. Chen JY, Wang WC, Chen YK, Lin LM. A retrospective study of trauma-associated oral and maxillofacial lesions in a population from southern Taiwan. J Appl Oral Sci. 2010; 18: 5-9.
39. Kilinc A, Saruhan N, Gundogdu B, Yalcin E, Ertas U, Urvasizoglu G. Benign tumors and tumor-like lesions of the oral cavity and jaws: An analysis of 709 cases. Niger J Clin Pract. 2017; 20: 1448-1454.
40. Bhatnagar P, Rai S, Bhatnagar G, Kaur M, Goel S, Prabhat M. Prevalence study of oral mucosal lesions, mucosal variants, and treatment required for patients reporting to a dental school in North India: In accordance with WHO guidelines. J Family Community Med. 2013; 20: 41-48.
41. Naderi NJ, Eshghyar N, Esfehanian H. Reactive lesions of the oral cavity: A retrospective study on 2068 cases. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2012; 9: 251-255.
42. Buchner A, Shnaiderman A, Vared M. Pediatric localized reactive gingival lesions: a retrospective study from Israel. Pediatr Dent. 2010; 32: 486-492.
43. Saleh SM, Idris AM, Vani NV, Tubaigy FM, Alharbi FA, Sharwani AA, et al. Retrospective analysis of biopsied oral and maxillofacial lesions in South-Western Saudi Arabia. Saudi Med J. 2017; 38: 405-412.
44. Babu B, Hallikeri K. Reactive lesions of oral cavity: A retrospective study of 659 cases. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2017; 21: 258-263.
45. Maturana-Ramírez A, Adorno-Farías D, Reyes-Rojas M, Farías-Vergara M, Aitken-Saavedra J. A retrospective analysis of reactive hyperplastic lesions of the oral cavity: study of 1149 cases diagnosed between 2000 and 2011, Chile. Acta Odontol Latinoam. 2015; 28: 103-107.
46. Ghasemi Moridani Sh, Shaahsavari F, Adeli M.B. A 7-year retrospective study of biopsied oral lesions in 460 Iranian patients. RSBO. 2014; 11: 118-124
47. Akinyamoju A.O, Adeyemi B.F, Kolude B. Localized Reactive Lesions of the Oral Cavity: A Review of 246 Cases in Ibadan. The Internet Journal of Dental Science. 2013; 12: 1-7
48. Reddy V, Saxena S, Saxena S, Reddy M. Reactive hyperplastic lesions of the oral cavity: A ten-year observational study on North Indian Population. J Clin Exp Dent. 2012; 4: e136-140.
49. Silva LVO, Arruda JAA, Martelli SJ, Kato CNAO, Nunes LFM, Vasconcelos ACU, Tarquinio SBC, et al. A multicenter study of biopsied oral and maxillofacial lesions in a Brazilian pediatric population. Braz Oral Res. 2018; 32: e20. doi: 10.1590/1807-3107bor-2018.vol32.0020.
50. Ali M, Sundaram D. Biopsied oral soft tissue lesions in Kuwait: a six-year retrospective analysis. Med Princ Pract. 2012; 21: 569-575.
51. Kalyanyama BM, Matee MI, Vuhahula E. Oral tumours in Tanzanian children based on biopsy materials examined over a 15-year period from 1982 to 1997. Int Dent J. 2002; 52: 10-4.
52. Lei F, Chen PH, Chen JY, Wang WC, Lin LM, Huang HC, et al. Retrospective study of biopsied head and neck lesions in a cohort of referral Taiwanese patients. Head Face Med. 2014; 10: 28.
53. Allon I, Kaplan I, Gal G, Chaushu G, Allon DM. The clinical characteristics of benign oral mucosal tumors. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2014; 19: e438-443.
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Issue | Vol 8, No 4 (Autumn 2021) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Mesenchyme Oral neoplasms Reactive lesions Mucosal lesion Hyperplastic lesion |
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How to Cite
Jolehar M, Titidej AZ. Prevalence of oral soft tissue lesions: A review. J Craniomaxillofac Res. 2022;8(4):172-177.