Assessment of knowledge and management of dentofacial traumatic injuries among Zanjan medical interns students (2021-2022)
Background and Aims: Maxillofacial traumas are common injuries caused by accidents and occurrences such as falls or injuries. In this study, we examined the knowledge and practice of medical interns in this field, due to the fact that after the accident general physicians and medical interns are the first line of treatment. Materials and Methods: A two-part questionnaire was prepared including knowledge and practice that presents different scenarios of trauma emergencies. Questionnaires were distributed among medical interns. A total of 152 questionnaires were received and the data was analysed, statistically. Results: The results obtained from this study showed that the level of dependent parameters, i.e. knowledge and practice of participants did not have a significant relationship with independent variables, i.e. age, gender and the duration of internship expressed as months past. On the other hand, it was found that there is a low level of knowledge and poor practice (mean score of 22.2 and 55.5, respectively) among medical interns. Conclusion: A focused training program is highly recommended and workshop sessions should be held to elevate the level of awareness and practice regarding dental trauma among medical interns. Keywords: Awareness; Practice; Trauma; Tooth; Mouth.
1.Trivedy C, Kodate N, Ross A, Al‐Rawi H, Jaiganesh T, Harris T, et al. The attitudes and awareness of emergency department (ED) physicians towards the management of common dentofacial emergencies. Dental Traumatology. 2012;28(2):121-6.
2.Da Silva AC, Passeri LA, Mazzonetto R, De Moraes M, Moreira RWF. Incidence of dental trauma associated with facial trauma in Brazil: a 1‐year evaluation. Dental traumatology. 2004;20(1):6-11.
3.Baroudi K. Textbook and Color Atlas of Traumatic Injuries to the Teeth, JO Andreasen, FM Andreasen, L. Andersson (Eds.), Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Copenhagen, Munksgaard (2007), 912 pp., Price:£ 155.00 (available from http://www. blackwellpublishing. com). Elsevier; 2008.
4.Glendor U. Epidemiology of traumatic dental injuries–a 12 year review of the literature. Dental traumatology. 2008;24(6):603-11.
5.Berman LH, Blanco L, Cohen S. A Clinical Guide to Dental Traumatology-E-Book: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2006.
6.Andreasen JO, Bakland LK, Flores MT, Andreasen FM, Andersson L. Traumatic dental injuries: a manual: John Wiley & Sons; 2011.
7.Ramos‐Jorge ML, Bosco VL, Peres MA, Nunes ACGP. The impact of treatment of dental trauma on the quality of life of adolescents–a case‐control study in southern Brazil. Dental Traumatology. 2007;23(2):114-9.
8.Rajab LD, Baqain ZH, Ghazaleh SB, Sonbol HN, Hamdan MA. Traumatic dental injuries among 12-year-old schoolchildren in Jordan: prevalence, risk factors and treatment need. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2013;11(2):105-12.
9.Fakhruddin KS, Lawrence HP, Kenny DJ, Locker D. Etiology and environment of dental injuries in 12‐to 14‐year‐old Ontario schoolchildren. Dental traumatology. 2008;24(3):305-8.
10.Bücher K, Neumann C, Hickel R, Kühnisch J. Traumatic dental injuries at a G erman U niversity C linic 2004–2008. Dental traumatology. 2013;29(2):127-33.
11.Hecova H, Tzigkounakis V, Merglova V, Netolicky J. A retrospective study of 889 injured permanent teeth. Dental traumatology. 2010;26(6):466-75.
12.Mahmoodi B, Rahimi-Nedjat R, Weusmann J, Azaripour A, Walter C, Willershausen B. Traumatic dental injuries in a university hospital: a four-year retrospective study. BMC oral health. 2015;15(1):1-7.
13.Andreasen JO, Lauridsen E, Andreasen FM. Contradictions in the treatment of traumatic dental injuries and ways to proceed in dental trauma research. Dental Traumatology. 2010;26(1):16-22.
14.Arikan V, Sari S, Sonmez H. The prevalence and treatment outcomes of primary tooth injuries. European journal of dentistry. 2010;4(04):447-53.
15.Vargas CM, Monajemy N, Khurana P, Tinanoff N. Oral health status of preschool children attending Head Start in Maryland, 2000. Pediatric dentistry. 2002;24(3):257-63.
16.Skapetis T, Gerzina T, Hu W. Management of dental emergencies by medical practitioners: recommendations for Australian education and training. Emergency Medicine Australasia. 2011;23(2):142-52.
17.Lewis C, Lynch H, Johnston B. Dental complaints in emergency departments: a national perspective. Annals of emergency medicine. 2003;42(1):93-9.
18.Samaei H, Weiland TJ, Dilley S, Jelinek GA. Knowledge and confidence of a convenience sample of Australasian emergency doctors in managing dental emergencies: results of a survey. Emergency medicine international. 2015;2015.
19.Chadwick BL, White D, Morris A, Evans D, Pitts N. Non-carious tooth conditions in children in the UK, 2003. British dental journal. 2006;200(7):379-84.
20.alfour C. Training for trauma. 2002.
21.Levin I, Ashkenazi M, Schwartz-Arad D. Preservation of alveolar bone of un-restorable traumatized maxillary incisors for future. Refu'at ha-peh veha-shinayim (1993). 2004;21(1):54-9, 101.
22.Díaz J, Bustos L, Herrera S, Sepulveda J. Knowledge of the management of paediatric dental traumas by non‐dental professionals in emergency rooms in South Araucanía, Temuco, Chile. Dental Traumatology. 2009;25(6):611-9.
23.Petrovic B, Marković D, Peric T, Blagojevic D. Factors related to treatment and outcomes of avulsed teeth. Dental Traumatology. 2010;26(1):52-9.
24.aleckiene V, Peciuliene V, Brukiene V, Drukteinis S. Traumatic dental injuries: etiology, prevalence and possible outcomes. Stomatologija. 2014;16(1):7-14.
25.Robertson A, Norén J. Knowledge‐based system for structured examination, diagnosis and therapy in treatment of traumatised teeth. Dental Traumatology. 2001;17(1):5-9.
26.Flores M, Andreasen J, Bakland L. Guidelines for the evaluation and management of traumatic dental injuries Note. Dental traumatology. 2001;17(4):145-8.
27.Kostopoulou MN, Duggal M. A study into dentists’ knowledge of the treatment of traumatic injuries to young permanent incisors. International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2005;15(1):10-9.
28.Hamilton F, Hill F, Holloway P. An investigation of dento-alveolar trauma and its treatment in an adolescent population. Part 1: The prevalence and incidence of injuries and the extent and adequacy of treatment received. British dental journal. 1997;182(3):91-5.
29.Emerich K, Gazda E. Review of recommendations for the management of dental trauma presented in first‐aid textbooks and manuals. Dental traumatology. 2010;26(3):212-6.
30.Douglass AB, Douglass JM, Krol DM. Educating pediatricians and family physicians in children's oral health. Academic pediatrics. 2009;9(6):452-6.
31.Yeng T, Parashos P. Dentists’ management of dental injuries and dental trauma in Australia: a review. Dental Traumatology. 2008;24(3):268-71.
32.Ulusoy AT, ÖNDER H, Cetin B, KAYA Ş. Knowledge of medical hospital emergency physicians about the first‐aid management of traumatic tooth avulsion. International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2012;22(3):211-6.
33.Yigit Y, Helvacioglu‐Yigit D, Kan B, Ilgen C, Yilmaz S. Dentofacial traumatic injuries: A survey of knowledge and attitudes among emergency medicine physicians in Turkey. Dental Traumatology. 2019;35(1):20-6.
34.Addo M, Parekh S, Moles D, Roberts G. Knowledge of dental trauma first aid (DTFA): the example of avulsed incisors in casualty departments and schools in London. British dental journal. 2007;202(10):E27-E.
35.Coşkun A, Şener A, Şahin O, Ekmekcioğlu C. Knowledge and attitudes of emergency medicine physicians and nurses regarding emergency management of dentofacial trauma in pediatric patients. Archives de Pédiatrie. 2021.
36.Wolfer S, von Hahn N, Sievers D, Hohenstein C, Kauffmann P. Knowledge and skills of emergency physicians in managing traumatic dental injuries. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2021:1-8.
37.Atas O, Gok A. Evaluation of knowledge levels and attitudes of pediatricians on traumatic dental injuries. Annals of Medical Research. 2021;28(1):43-8.
2.Da Silva AC, Passeri LA, Mazzonetto R, De Moraes M, Moreira RWF. Incidence of dental trauma associated with facial trauma in Brazil: a 1‐year evaluation. Dental traumatology. 2004;20(1):6-11.
3.Baroudi K. Textbook and Color Atlas of Traumatic Injuries to the Teeth, JO Andreasen, FM Andreasen, L. Andersson (Eds.), Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Copenhagen, Munksgaard (2007), 912 pp., Price:£ 155.00 (available from http://www. blackwellpublishing. com). Elsevier; 2008.
4.Glendor U. Epidemiology of traumatic dental injuries–a 12 year review of the literature. Dental traumatology. 2008;24(6):603-11.
5.Berman LH, Blanco L, Cohen S. A Clinical Guide to Dental Traumatology-E-Book: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2006.
6.Andreasen JO, Bakland LK, Flores MT, Andreasen FM, Andersson L. Traumatic dental injuries: a manual: John Wiley & Sons; 2011.
7.Ramos‐Jorge ML, Bosco VL, Peres MA, Nunes ACGP. The impact of treatment of dental trauma on the quality of life of adolescents–a case‐control study in southern Brazil. Dental Traumatology. 2007;23(2):114-9.
8.Rajab LD, Baqain ZH, Ghazaleh SB, Sonbol HN, Hamdan MA. Traumatic dental injuries among 12-year-old schoolchildren in Jordan: prevalence, risk factors and treatment need. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2013;11(2):105-12.
9.Fakhruddin KS, Lawrence HP, Kenny DJ, Locker D. Etiology and environment of dental injuries in 12‐to 14‐year‐old Ontario schoolchildren. Dental traumatology. 2008;24(3):305-8.
10.Bücher K, Neumann C, Hickel R, Kühnisch J. Traumatic dental injuries at a G erman U niversity C linic 2004–2008. Dental traumatology. 2013;29(2):127-33.
11.Hecova H, Tzigkounakis V, Merglova V, Netolicky J. A retrospective study of 889 injured permanent teeth. Dental traumatology. 2010;26(6):466-75.
12.Mahmoodi B, Rahimi-Nedjat R, Weusmann J, Azaripour A, Walter C, Willershausen B. Traumatic dental injuries in a university hospital: a four-year retrospective study. BMC oral health. 2015;15(1):1-7.
13.Andreasen JO, Lauridsen E, Andreasen FM. Contradictions in the treatment of traumatic dental injuries and ways to proceed in dental trauma research. Dental Traumatology. 2010;26(1):16-22.
14.Arikan V, Sari S, Sonmez H. The prevalence and treatment outcomes of primary tooth injuries. European journal of dentistry. 2010;4(04):447-53.
15.Vargas CM, Monajemy N, Khurana P, Tinanoff N. Oral health status of preschool children attending Head Start in Maryland, 2000. Pediatric dentistry. 2002;24(3):257-63.
16.Skapetis T, Gerzina T, Hu W. Management of dental emergencies by medical practitioners: recommendations for Australian education and training. Emergency Medicine Australasia. 2011;23(2):142-52.
17.Lewis C, Lynch H, Johnston B. Dental complaints in emergency departments: a national perspective. Annals of emergency medicine. 2003;42(1):93-9.
18.Samaei H, Weiland TJ, Dilley S, Jelinek GA. Knowledge and confidence of a convenience sample of Australasian emergency doctors in managing dental emergencies: results of a survey. Emergency medicine international. 2015;2015.
19.Chadwick BL, White D, Morris A, Evans D, Pitts N. Non-carious tooth conditions in children in the UK, 2003. British dental journal. 2006;200(7):379-84.
20.alfour C. Training for trauma. 2002.
21.Levin I, Ashkenazi M, Schwartz-Arad D. Preservation of alveolar bone of un-restorable traumatized maxillary incisors for future. Refu'at ha-peh veha-shinayim (1993). 2004;21(1):54-9, 101.
22.Díaz J, Bustos L, Herrera S, Sepulveda J. Knowledge of the management of paediatric dental traumas by non‐dental professionals in emergency rooms in South Araucanía, Temuco, Chile. Dental Traumatology. 2009;25(6):611-9.
23.Petrovic B, Marković D, Peric T, Blagojevic D. Factors related to treatment and outcomes of avulsed teeth. Dental Traumatology. 2010;26(1):52-9.
24.aleckiene V, Peciuliene V, Brukiene V, Drukteinis S. Traumatic dental injuries: etiology, prevalence and possible outcomes. Stomatologija. 2014;16(1):7-14.
25.Robertson A, Norén J. Knowledge‐based system for structured examination, diagnosis and therapy in treatment of traumatised teeth. Dental Traumatology. 2001;17(1):5-9.
26.Flores M, Andreasen J, Bakland L. Guidelines for the evaluation and management of traumatic dental injuries Note. Dental traumatology. 2001;17(4):145-8.
27.Kostopoulou MN, Duggal M. A study into dentists’ knowledge of the treatment of traumatic injuries to young permanent incisors. International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2005;15(1):10-9.
28.Hamilton F, Hill F, Holloway P. An investigation of dento-alveolar trauma and its treatment in an adolescent population. Part 1: The prevalence and incidence of injuries and the extent and adequacy of treatment received. British dental journal. 1997;182(3):91-5.
29.Emerich K, Gazda E. Review of recommendations for the management of dental trauma presented in first‐aid textbooks and manuals. Dental traumatology. 2010;26(3):212-6.
30.Douglass AB, Douglass JM, Krol DM. Educating pediatricians and family physicians in children's oral health. Academic pediatrics. 2009;9(6):452-6.
31.Yeng T, Parashos P. Dentists’ management of dental injuries and dental trauma in Australia: a review. Dental Traumatology. 2008;24(3):268-71.
32.Ulusoy AT, ÖNDER H, Cetin B, KAYA Ş. Knowledge of medical hospital emergency physicians about the first‐aid management of traumatic tooth avulsion. International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2012;22(3):211-6.
33.Yigit Y, Helvacioglu‐Yigit D, Kan B, Ilgen C, Yilmaz S. Dentofacial traumatic injuries: A survey of knowledge and attitudes among emergency medicine physicians in Turkey. Dental Traumatology. 2019;35(1):20-6.
34.Addo M, Parekh S, Moles D, Roberts G. Knowledge of dental trauma first aid (DTFA): the example of avulsed incisors in casualty departments and schools in London. British dental journal. 2007;202(10):E27-E.
35.Coşkun A, Şener A, Şahin O, Ekmekcioğlu C. Knowledge and attitudes of emergency medicine physicians and nurses regarding emergency management of dentofacial trauma in pediatric patients. Archives de Pédiatrie. 2021.
36.Wolfer S, von Hahn N, Sievers D, Hohenstein C, Kauffmann P. Knowledge and skills of emergency physicians in managing traumatic dental injuries. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2021:1-8.
37.Atas O, Gok A. Evaluation of knowledge levels and attitudes of pediatricians on traumatic dental injuries. Annals of Medical Research. 2021;28(1):43-8.
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Issue | Vol 9, No 1 (Winter 2022) | |
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Awareness Practice Trauma Tooth Mouth |
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How to Cite
Onagh S, Mirkeshavarz M. Assessment of knowledge and management of dentofacial traumatic injuries among Zanjan medical interns students (2021-2022). J Craniomaxillofac Res. 2022;9(1):45-51.