Investigating the desire of last year dental students towards conducting orthodontic treatments in their future profession
Introduction: Orthodontics is a significant part of general dentistry education. Yet, many general dentistry graduates seldom practice orthodontics. This study assesses the desire of last-year dental students at Shahid Beheshti Dental School towards orthodontic treatments in their future career. Materials and Methods: A questionnaire was validated by ten dental specialists. For reliability, it was re-administered to ten students after ten days. Descriptive statistics were used for results presentation. The Mann-Whitney test compared ranked responses, and the Kruskal-Wallis test compared grade point average (GPA) variations. The comparison of mean opinions based on age, gender, and academic term was conducted with the t-test independent samples and based on GPA status with a one-way ANOVA. Analyses were done using SPSS 25, with a significance level of 0.05. Results: In this study, 58 last-year students were questioned in line with the research objectives. More than half of the students believe that the hours dedicated to teaching orthodontic courses at university are insufficient (65%), the quality of theoretical teaching is low (55%), practical teaching hours and presence in the department are inadequate (48%). Only 15 percent of students declared they have the necessary confidence to diagnose and conduct orthodontic treatments after graduation. About half of the students express an interest in attending supplementary orthodontics courses after graduation (39%). Conclusion: According to approximately half of the students’ opinions, the quality of teaching theoretical and conceptual orthodontics courses is low. Additionally, students lack the necessary confidence and desire to diagnose, plan, and perform treatments after graduation. Keywords: Dental education; General dentistry; Orthodontics; Orthodontics education.
1. Fleming PS, Dowling PA. A survey of undergraduate orthodontic training and orthodontic practices by general dental practitioners. J Ir Dent Assoc. 2005;51(2):68-72.
2. Galbreath RN, Hilgers KK, Silveira AM, Scheetz JP. Orthodontic treatment provided by general dentists who have achieved master's level in the Academy of General Dentistry. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2006;129(5):678-86.
3. Jayaprakash PK, Modi P, Sapawat P, Thakur RS, Choudhari T, Chandrakar J. A survey on orthodontic services provided by general dental practitioners. J Family Med Prim Care. 2019;8(7):2490-5.
4. Jones K, Popat H, Johnson IG. Dental students' experiences of treating orthodontic emergencies - a qualitative assessment of student reflections. Eur J Dent Educ. 2016;20(3):156-60.
5. Kapoor D, Bhatia S, Garg D. Assessment of the Attitude and Knowledge of the Principles and Practices of Orthodontic Treatment Among the Non-orthodontic Specialists and General Practitioner Dentists. JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc. 2018;56(212):766-9.
6. Lawrence AJ, Wright FA, D'Adamo SP. The provision of orthodontic services by general dental practitioners. 1. Methods and descriptive results. Aust Dent J. 1995;40(5):296-300.
7. Oliver R, Hingston E. Undergraduate clinical orthodontic experience: a discussion paper. Eur J Dent Educ. 2006;10(3):142-8.
8. Purmal K, Alam M, Nor N, Zakaria N. Orthodontic Treatment by the General Dental Practitioners and Their Opinion about Orthodontics. International Medical Journal (1994). 2013;20:243-6.
9. Syryńska M, Post M, Tsynkel P, Durka M. [The teaching of orthodontics in the opinion of students from Department of Dentistry of Pomeranian Medical University in the academic year of 2005/2006]. Ann Acad Med Stetin. 2007;53(1):94-7.
10. Alnusayri MO, KuraymAlenazi KK, Patil SR, Aileni KR, Rao KA. Knowledge and attitude regarding principles and practices of orthodontic treatment among general dental practitioners and non-orthodontic specialists of Saudi Arabia: A preliminary study. J Res Med Dent Sci. 2017;5(3):59-62.
11. Niveda S, Saravana D. A survey of the knowledge, attitude and awareness of principles and practices in orthodontics among general dentists and non-orthodontic specialists. IOSR J Dent Med Sci. 2014;13(1):44-6.
12. Canavarro C, Miguel JAM, Quintão CCA, Torres MdFM, Ferreira JdPM, Brunharo IHVP. Assessment of the orthodontic knowledge demonstrated by dental school undergraduates: recognizing the key features of Angle Class II, Division 1 malocclusion. Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics. 2012;17:52-61.
13. King GJ, McGorray SP, Wheeler TT, Dolce C, Taylor M. Comparison of peer assessment ratings (PAR) from 1-phase and 2-phase treatment protocols for Class II malocclusions. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2003;123(5):489-96.
14. Koroluk LD, Tulloch JC, Phillips C. Incisor trauma and early treatment for Class II Division 1 malocclusion. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. 2003;123(2):117-25.
15. Kwo F, Orellana M. The Current State of Predoctoral Orthodontic Education in the United States. Journal of Dental Education. 2011;75(4):518-26.
16. Bouskandar SY, Al Muraikhi L, Hodge TM, Barber SK. UK dental students' ability and confidence in applying the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need and determining appropriate orthodontic referral. Eur J Dent Educ. 2022.
17. Rock W, O'Brien K, Stephens C. Orthodontic teaching practice and undergraduate knowledge in British dental schools. British dental journal. 2002;192(6):347-51.
18. Freer TJ, Foster GA. Towards a revised undergraduate orthodontic curriculum. Australian orthodontic journal. 1990;11(3):178-89.
19. Raghavan S, Abu Alhaija E, Ali K. Orthodontic Curricula in Undergraduate Dental Education—A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023;20(6):4914.
20. Brown MM, Wiltshire WA, Russell K. Current status of undergraduate orthodontic education in Canada. Journal of Dental Education. 2022.
21. Al-Gunaid TH, Eshky RT, Alnazzawi AA. Orthodontic curriculum in Saudi Arabia: Faculty members’ perception of clinical learning outcomes. journal of orthodontic science. 2021;10.
23. Kaggal Lakshmana Rao G, P Iskandar YH, Mokhtar N. Developing consensus in identifying challenges of undergraduate orthodontic education in Malaysian public universities using e‐Delphi. European Journal of Dental Education. 2020;24(3):590-600.
24. Abu Al-Melh MM, Al-Anzi AN. Knowledge of undergraduate dental students toward orthodontic skeletal temporary anchorage devices at Kuwait University. BMC Medical Education. 2020;20(1):1-10.
25. Syed Mohamed AMF, Zulkiflie B, Rosli TI. Orthodontic Postgraduates Satisfactions and Expectations: A Qualitative Study. Journal of International Dental & Medical Research. 2021;14(3).
26. Chadwick SM, Bearn DR, Jack AC, O'Brien KD. Orthodontic undergraduate education: developments in a modern curriculum. European Journal of Dental Education. 2002;6(2):57-63.
27. Rock WP, O'Brien KD, Stephens CD. Orthodontic teaching practice and undergraduate knowledge in British dental schools. Br Dent J. 2002;192(6):347-51.
28. Alhazmi A, Quadri MFA. Comparing case-based and lecture-based learning strategies for orthodontic case diagnosis: A randomized controlled trial. J Dent Educ. 2020;84(8):857-63.
29. Sam G. Orthodontics as a prospective career choice among undergraduate dental students: A prospective study. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent. 2015;5(4):290-5.
30. Brown MM, Wiltshire WA, Russell K. Current status of undergraduate orthodontic education in Canada. J Dent Educ. 2023;87(3):351-7.
2. Galbreath RN, Hilgers KK, Silveira AM, Scheetz JP. Orthodontic treatment provided by general dentists who have achieved master's level in the Academy of General Dentistry. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2006;129(5):678-86.
3. Jayaprakash PK, Modi P, Sapawat P, Thakur RS, Choudhari T, Chandrakar J. A survey on orthodontic services provided by general dental practitioners. J Family Med Prim Care. 2019;8(7):2490-5.
4. Jones K, Popat H, Johnson IG. Dental students' experiences of treating orthodontic emergencies - a qualitative assessment of student reflections. Eur J Dent Educ. 2016;20(3):156-60.
5. Kapoor D, Bhatia S, Garg D. Assessment of the Attitude and Knowledge of the Principles and Practices of Orthodontic Treatment Among the Non-orthodontic Specialists and General Practitioner Dentists. JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc. 2018;56(212):766-9.
6. Lawrence AJ, Wright FA, D'Adamo SP. The provision of orthodontic services by general dental practitioners. 1. Methods and descriptive results. Aust Dent J. 1995;40(5):296-300.
7. Oliver R, Hingston E. Undergraduate clinical orthodontic experience: a discussion paper. Eur J Dent Educ. 2006;10(3):142-8.
8. Purmal K, Alam M, Nor N, Zakaria N. Orthodontic Treatment by the General Dental Practitioners and Their Opinion about Orthodontics. International Medical Journal (1994). 2013;20:243-6.
9. Syryńska M, Post M, Tsynkel P, Durka M. [The teaching of orthodontics in the opinion of students from Department of Dentistry of Pomeranian Medical University in the academic year of 2005/2006]. Ann Acad Med Stetin. 2007;53(1):94-7.
10. Alnusayri MO, KuraymAlenazi KK, Patil SR, Aileni KR, Rao KA. Knowledge and attitude regarding principles and practices of orthodontic treatment among general dental practitioners and non-orthodontic specialists of Saudi Arabia: A preliminary study. J Res Med Dent Sci. 2017;5(3):59-62.
11. Niveda S, Saravana D. A survey of the knowledge, attitude and awareness of principles and practices in orthodontics among general dentists and non-orthodontic specialists. IOSR J Dent Med Sci. 2014;13(1):44-6.
12. Canavarro C, Miguel JAM, Quintão CCA, Torres MdFM, Ferreira JdPM, Brunharo IHVP. Assessment of the orthodontic knowledge demonstrated by dental school undergraduates: recognizing the key features of Angle Class II, Division 1 malocclusion. Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics. 2012;17:52-61.
13. King GJ, McGorray SP, Wheeler TT, Dolce C, Taylor M. Comparison of peer assessment ratings (PAR) from 1-phase and 2-phase treatment protocols for Class II malocclusions. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2003;123(5):489-96.
14. Koroluk LD, Tulloch JC, Phillips C. Incisor trauma and early treatment for Class II Division 1 malocclusion. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. 2003;123(2):117-25.
15. Kwo F, Orellana M. The Current State of Predoctoral Orthodontic Education in the United States. Journal of Dental Education. 2011;75(4):518-26.
16. Bouskandar SY, Al Muraikhi L, Hodge TM, Barber SK. UK dental students' ability and confidence in applying the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need and determining appropriate orthodontic referral. Eur J Dent Educ. 2022.
17. Rock W, O'Brien K, Stephens C. Orthodontic teaching practice and undergraduate knowledge in British dental schools. British dental journal. 2002;192(6):347-51.
18. Freer TJ, Foster GA. Towards a revised undergraduate orthodontic curriculum. Australian orthodontic journal. 1990;11(3):178-89.
19. Raghavan S, Abu Alhaija E, Ali K. Orthodontic Curricula in Undergraduate Dental Education—A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023;20(6):4914.
20. Brown MM, Wiltshire WA, Russell K. Current status of undergraduate orthodontic education in Canada. Journal of Dental Education. 2022.
21. Al-Gunaid TH, Eshky RT, Alnazzawi AA. Orthodontic curriculum in Saudi Arabia: Faculty members’ perception of clinical learning outcomes. journal of orthodontic science. 2021;10.
23. Kaggal Lakshmana Rao G, P Iskandar YH, Mokhtar N. Developing consensus in identifying challenges of undergraduate orthodontic education in Malaysian public universities using e‐Delphi. European Journal of Dental Education. 2020;24(3):590-600.
24. Abu Al-Melh MM, Al-Anzi AN. Knowledge of undergraduate dental students toward orthodontic skeletal temporary anchorage devices at Kuwait University. BMC Medical Education. 2020;20(1):1-10.
25. Syed Mohamed AMF, Zulkiflie B, Rosli TI. Orthodontic Postgraduates Satisfactions and Expectations: A Qualitative Study. Journal of International Dental & Medical Research. 2021;14(3).
26. Chadwick SM, Bearn DR, Jack AC, O'Brien KD. Orthodontic undergraduate education: developments in a modern curriculum. European Journal of Dental Education. 2002;6(2):57-63.
27. Rock WP, O'Brien KD, Stephens CD. Orthodontic teaching practice and undergraduate knowledge in British dental schools. Br Dent J. 2002;192(6):347-51.
28. Alhazmi A, Quadri MFA. Comparing case-based and lecture-based learning strategies for orthodontic case diagnosis: A randomized controlled trial. J Dent Educ. 2020;84(8):857-63.
29. Sam G. Orthodontics as a prospective career choice among undergraduate dental students: A prospective study. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent. 2015;5(4):290-5.
30. Brown MM, Wiltshire WA, Russell K. Current status of undergraduate orthodontic education in Canada. J Dent Educ. 2023;87(3):351-7.
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Issue | Vol 10, No 2 (Spring 2023) | |
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Dental education; General dentistry; Orthodontics; Orthodontics education. |
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How to Cite
Sadeghian A, Dalaie K, Behnaz M. Investigating the desire of last year dental students towards conducting orthodontic treatments in their future profession. J Craniomaxillofac Res. 2023;10(2):69-78.