Original Article

Geometrically Investigating the Effect of Maxillary Posterior Impaction on Mandible Autorotation in Patients with Anterior Openbite Using Proplan Cmf Software on Available Ct Scans


Introduction: Posterior impaction of the maxilla leads to spontaneous rotation of the mandible and these rotations are often accompanied by soft tissue and skeletal changes. The present research aims to determine the effects of posterior impaction of the maxilla on mandible’s Autorotation in patients with anterior open bite.Materials and Methods: Using a 3D reconstructed model of 25 patients with anterior open bites, this descriptive study is conducted. The construction model of the posterior segment of the mandible design was subjected to 2, 3, 5, and 7mm posterior impaction of the maxilla around the ANS axis without any mandibular intervention, using the available CT scan and ProPlan CMF software. Following this, the autorotation and anterior open bite correction were assessed. A basic linear regression test was used to examine the effects of various variables on the anterior open bite closure at various impaction rates. Results: The rise, in impact rate led to an increase in the byte closure rate. With 2, 3, 5 and 7mm posterior impaction of the maxilla, the bite closure was not significantly affected by maxilla length, mandible length, U1-SN angle, ANS-PNS angle with the maxillary occlusal plane, or mandibular incisor angle with the mandibular plane. Nevertheless, during the 5mm posterior maxillary impaction procedure, there was a 0.2mm increase in the open bite closure for every 1 degree increase in IMPA; this number is statistically significant. (p<0.001). Conclusion: The amount of bite closure increased along with the posterior impaction of the maxilla. All other variables did not significantly affect bite closure rate, with the exception of the IMPA variable in 5mm impactions. Keywords: Maxillary posterior impaction; Mandible autorotation; Anterior open bite; ProPlan CMF software.
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IssueVol 11, No 2 (Spring 2024) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
Maxillary posterior impaction; Mandible autorotation; Anterior open bite; ProPlan CMF software.

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Mahmoudi H, Malek Hosseini N, Mohajeri Tehrani M, Samadi Zadeh S. Geometrically Investigating the Effect of Maxillary Posterior Impaction on Mandible Autorotation in Patients with Anterior Openbite Using Proplan Cmf Software on Available Ct Scans. J Craniomaxillofac Res. 2024;11(2):119-127.