Investigating the Effect of Orthodontic Treatment on Salivary IgA Levels
Introduction: One of the most important and complex functions of saliva is its defensive role, which is mainly performed by immunoglobulins, especially secretory IgA. This study investigated the effect of orthodontic treatment on changes in the salivary levels of IgA. Materials and Methods: Forty patients undergoing orthodontic treatment were examined in two fixed and removable groups. Saliva collection was done in three stages: before orthodontic treatment and three and six months after orthodontic treatment. Salivary IgA level was measured using the ELISA method. First, the salivary samples were centrifuged, and then the amount of IgA in the upper part of the solution was determined using the ELISA method. Results: In the fixed and removable orthodontic treatment groups, the amount of salivary IgA before treatment, three months after treatment, and six months after treatment, according to ANOVA, showed a significant difference in the mean of salivary IgA levels. Conclusion: With the start of orthodontic treatment, one can witness an increase in the defense mechanisms of saliva, as evidenced by an increase in the amount of IgA, with differences between fixed and removable orthodontic treatments. Keywords: Orthodontic treatment; Saliva; IgA.
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4. Bokor-Bratić M. Clinical significance of analysis of immunoglobulin A levels in saliva. Med Pregl. 2000;53(3-4):164-8.
5. Dodds MW, Johnson DA, Yeh C-K. Health benefits of saliva: a review. J Dent. 2005;33(3):223-33.
6. Bernimoulin JP. Recent concepts in plaque formation. J Clin Periodontol. 2003;30:7-9.
7. Cohen S, Miller GE, Rabin BS. Psychological stress and antibody response to immunization: a critical review of the human literature. Psychosomatic medicine. 2001;63(1):7-18.
8. De La Rica R, Stevens MM. Plasmonic ELISA for the ultrasensitive detection of disease biomarkers with the naked eye. Nat Nanotechnol. 2012;7(12):821-4.
9. Rödström PO, Jontell M, Hakeberg M, Berggren U, Lindstedt G. Erosive oral lichen planus and salivary cortisol. J Oral Pathol Med. 2001;30(5):257-63.
10. MW D. Health benefits of saliva: a review. J Dent. 2005;33:23-33.
11. Gonçalves TS, Morganti MA, Campos LC, Rizzatto SM, Menezes LM. Allergy to auto-polymerized acrylic resin in an orthodontic patient. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2006;129(3):431-5.
12. Marcotte H, Lavoie MC. Oral microbial ecology and the role of salivary immunoglobulin A. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 1998;62(1):71-109.
13. Pontón J, Bikandi J, Moragues M, Arilla M, Elósegui R, Quindós G, et al. Reactivity of Candida albicans germ tubes with salivary secretory IgA. J Dent Res. 1996;75(12):1979-85.
14. Youness SR, Hussein JS, Refaat W, El Hariri HM. Effect of Orthodontic Treatment on Salivary Immunoglobulin A Levels among a group of healthy Egyptian Children. J Dent Med Sci (IOSR-JDMS). 2015;14:2279-0861.
15. Rashkova MP, Toncheva AA. Gingival disease and secretory immunoglobulin a in non-stimulated saliva in children. Folia Med. 2010;52(4):48.
16. Motaleb Nejad M, Jenabian N, Mostapha Zadeh A, Afshari N. Gingivitis and salivary immunoglobulins in patients with Thalassemia major. J Babol Univ Med Sci. 2002;4(2):7-12.
17. Kasacka I, Szarmach I, Buczko P, Tankiewicz A, Pawlak D. Preliminary evaluation of saliva composition in allergic patients subjected to orthodontic treatment; morphological examination. Adv in Med Sci. 2006;51:55-8.
18. Jacobsen N, Hensten‐Pettersen A. Changes in occupational health problems and adverse patient reactions in orthodontics from 1987 to 2000. Eur J Orthod 2003;25(6):591-8.
19. Taha SS. Assessment of Salivary Secretory Immunoglobulin A (sIg A) Level during Fixed Orthodontic Treatment. Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry. 2016;325(3765):1-6.
20. Jha A, Singh R, Jha S, Singh S, Chawla R, Prakash A. Comparative evaluation of salivary immunoglobulin a levels between pedodontic subjects. J Family Med Prim Care .2020;9(4):2052-5.
21. Harikrishnan P, Subha TS, Kavitha V, Gnanamani A. Microbial adhesion on orthodontic ligating materials: An in vitro assessment. J Adv Microbiol. 2013.
22. Örtengren U, Wellendorf H, Karlsson S, Ruyter I. Water sorption and solubility of dental composites and identification of monomers released in an aqueous environment. J Oral Rehabil. 2001;28(12):1106-15.
23. Nunes MPO, van Tilburg MF, Tramontina Florean EOP, Guedes MIF. Detection of serum and salivary IgE and IgG1 immunoglobulins specific for diagnosis of food allergy. PLoS One. 2019;14(4):e0214745.
24. Schuster G, Reichle R, Bauer RR, Schopf PM. Allergies induced by orthodontic alloys: incidence and impact on treatment. Results of a survey in private orthodontic offices in the Federal State of Hesse, Germany. J Orofac Orthop. 2004;65(1):48-59.
25. Jing D, Hao J, Shen Y, Tang G, Lei L, Zhao Z. Effect of fixed orthodontic treatment on oral microbiota and salivary proteins. Exp Ther Med. 2019;17(5):4237-43.
26. Canigur Bavbek N, Bozkaya E, Isler SC, Elbeg S, Uraz A, Yuksel S. Assessment of salivary stress and pain biomarkers and their relation to self-reported pain intensity during orthodontic tooth movement: A longitudinal and prospective study. J Orofac Orthop. 2022;83(5):339-52.
27. O'reilly M, Featherstone J. Demineralization and remineralization around orthodontic appliances: an in vivo study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1987;92(1):33-40.
28. Taha M, El-Fallal A, Degla H. In vitro and in vivo biofilm adhesion to esthetic coated arch wires and its correlation with surface roughness. Angle Orthod. 2016;86(2):285-91.
29. Al-khafaji SFH, Al-mahdi ZKA, Alhamadi WW. Microbial distribution and secretory IgA level among crossbite patients at an early stage of comprehensive orthodontic treatment. Medical Journal of Babylon. 2023;20(1):160-7.
2. Dawes C. Considerations in the development of diagnostic tests on saliva. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1993;694(1):265-9.
3. Jansen van Rensburg B. Oral biology. Neuburg: Quintessence Publishing Co. 1995.
4. Bokor-Bratić M. Clinical significance of analysis of immunoglobulin A levels in saliva. Med Pregl. 2000;53(3-4):164-8.
5. Dodds MW, Johnson DA, Yeh C-K. Health benefits of saliva: a review. J Dent. 2005;33(3):223-33.
6. Bernimoulin JP. Recent concepts in plaque formation. J Clin Periodontol. 2003;30:7-9.
7. Cohen S, Miller GE, Rabin BS. Psychological stress and antibody response to immunization: a critical review of the human literature. Psychosomatic medicine. 2001;63(1):7-18.
8. De La Rica R, Stevens MM. Plasmonic ELISA for the ultrasensitive detection of disease biomarkers with the naked eye. Nat Nanotechnol. 2012;7(12):821-4.
9. Rödström PO, Jontell M, Hakeberg M, Berggren U, Lindstedt G. Erosive oral lichen planus and salivary cortisol. J Oral Pathol Med. 2001;30(5):257-63.
10. MW D. Health benefits of saliva: a review. J Dent. 2005;33:23-33.
11. Gonçalves TS, Morganti MA, Campos LC, Rizzatto SM, Menezes LM. Allergy to auto-polymerized acrylic resin in an orthodontic patient. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2006;129(3):431-5.
12. Marcotte H, Lavoie MC. Oral microbial ecology and the role of salivary immunoglobulin A. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 1998;62(1):71-109.
13. Pontón J, Bikandi J, Moragues M, Arilla M, Elósegui R, Quindós G, et al. Reactivity of Candida albicans germ tubes with salivary secretory IgA. J Dent Res. 1996;75(12):1979-85.
14. Youness SR, Hussein JS, Refaat W, El Hariri HM. Effect of Orthodontic Treatment on Salivary Immunoglobulin A Levels among a group of healthy Egyptian Children. J Dent Med Sci (IOSR-JDMS). 2015;14:2279-0861.
15. Rashkova MP, Toncheva AA. Gingival disease and secretory immunoglobulin a in non-stimulated saliva in children. Folia Med. 2010;52(4):48.
16. Motaleb Nejad M, Jenabian N, Mostapha Zadeh A, Afshari N. Gingivitis and salivary immunoglobulins in patients with Thalassemia major. J Babol Univ Med Sci. 2002;4(2):7-12.
17. Kasacka I, Szarmach I, Buczko P, Tankiewicz A, Pawlak D. Preliminary evaluation of saliva composition in allergic patients subjected to orthodontic treatment; morphological examination. Adv in Med Sci. 2006;51:55-8.
18. Jacobsen N, Hensten‐Pettersen A. Changes in occupational health problems and adverse patient reactions in orthodontics from 1987 to 2000. Eur J Orthod 2003;25(6):591-8.
19. Taha SS. Assessment of Salivary Secretory Immunoglobulin A (sIg A) Level during Fixed Orthodontic Treatment. Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry. 2016;325(3765):1-6.
20. Jha A, Singh R, Jha S, Singh S, Chawla R, Prakash A. Comparative evaluation of salivary immunoglobulin a levels between pedodontic subjects. J Family Med Prim Care .2020;9(4):2052-5.
21. Harikrishnan P, Subha TS, Kavitha V, Gnanamani A. Microbial adhesion on orthodontic ligating materials: An in vitro assessment. J Adv Microbiol. 2013.
22. Örtengren U, Wellendorf H, Karlsson S, Ruyter I. Water sorption and solubility of dental composites and identification of monomers released in an aqueous environment. J Oral Rehabil. 2001;28(12):1106-15.
23. Nunes MPO, van Tilburg MF, Tramontina Florean EOP, Guedes MIF. Detection of serum and salivary IgE and IgG1 immunoglobulins specific for diagnosis of food allergy. PLoS One. 2019;14(4):e0214745.
24. Schuster G, Reichle R, Bauer RR, Schopf PM. Allergies induced by orthodontic alloys: incidence and impact on treatment. Results of a survey in private orthodontic offices in the Federal State of Hesse, Germany. J Orofac Orthop. 2004;65(1):48-59.
25. Jing D, Hao J, Shen Y, Tang G, Lei L, Zhao Z. Effect of fixed orthodontic treatment on oral microbiota and salivary proteins. Exp Ther Med. 2019;17(5):4237-43.
26. Canigur Bavbek N, Bozkaya E, Isler SC, Elbeg S, Uraz A, Yuksel S. Assessment of salivary stress and pain biomarkers and their relation to self-reported pain intensity during orthodontic tooth movement: A longitudinal and prospective study. J Orofac Orthop. 2022;83(5):339-52.
27. O'reilly M, Featherstone J. Demineralization and remineralization around orthodontic appliances: an in vivo study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1987;92(1):33-40.
28. Taha M, El-Fallal A, Degla H. In vitro and in vivo biofilm adhesion to esthetic coated arch wires and its correlation with surface roughness. Angle Orthod. 2016;86(2):285-91.
29. Al-khafaji SFH, Al-mahdi ZKA, Alhamadi WW. Microbial distribution and secretory IgA level among crossbite patients at an early stage of comprehensive orthodontic treatment. Medical Journal of Babylon. 2023;20(1):160-7.
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Orthodontic treatment; Saliva; IgA. |
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How to Cite
Hesam Arefi A, Khorshidi O, Hosseinabadi A. Investigating the Effect of Orthodontic Treatment on Salivary IgA Levels. J Craniomaxillofac Res. 2024;11(3):168-174.