Hereditary factors of bruxism
Background: Bruxism is a parafunctional disorder. The prevalence of this rhythmic activity of rodent muscles is reported to be about %8. This disease can compromise the life quality of a person’s general performance. The aim of this study is to gather information upon genetic factors, which contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease. Materials and Methods: All related articles published in 1966 onward from google scholar such as ISI, PubMed, Scopus and Ovid within the databases were searched using English keywords ‘Bruxism and Genetics’. 300 articles were found. 252 articles were removed due to content duplication and irrelevance. Results: The review of selected articles finally showed that in addition to other factors such as psychological factors, local factors, systemic factors, etc., the genetic factors also play a significant role in pathogenesis of bruxism. Among the influential genes are rs6313 polymorphism from the 5HT2A gene and rs6313 polymorphism from the HTR2A gene. Conclusion: Evidence suggests that genetic factors play an important role in the pathology and development of bruxism, however the main causing mechanism still largely remains unknown. Keywords: Genetic factors; Bruxism; Article review; Polymorphism.
1- Pierce C. Chrismank, Bennett M. close J. stress, anticipatory stress and psychological measures related to sleep bruxism. Jorodacpain. 1995; 9: 51-56.
2- Dalewski, B. Chrusciel Nogalska, M. & Franzok, B. Occlusal splint Versus modified nociceptive trigeminal inhibition splint in bruxism therapy: a randomized, Controlled trial using surface electromyography. Australian dental journal. 2015; 60(6), 445-456.
3- Souzava,Abreumh, Resendevl,Castilhols. Factors associated with bruxism in children with developmental disabilities. Brazilian oral research. 2015; 29(1): 1-5
4- Jimenez-silvaA, Pena-Duranc, Tobar- Reyesj, Frugone- Zambra R. Sleep and awake bruxism in adults and its relationship with temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review from 2003 to 2014, Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. 2017; 75(1): 36-58.
5- Gorski D. familial aggregation of anxiety associated with Bruxism 3000. 2015; 22; 3 (1): 5-8.
6-Murali R, Priyadarshni Rangarajan AM. Bruxism: Conceptual discussion and review. Journal of pharmacy & bioallied sciences. 2015: 7(Suppl 1): S 765
7-Swaminathan AA. A Review of Current Concepts in Bruxism – Diagnosis AND Management. Nitte University Journal of Health science. 2014; 4(4) : 7-10
8-Shetty S, Pittiv, Babucs, Kumar GS, Deepth. B. Bruxism: a literature review. The Journal of Indian prosthodontic society. 2010; 10(3): 141-8
9-Bucci C. Amoto M, Zingone F, Caggiano M, Lovino P. Ciacci C. Prevalence of sleep Bruxism in IBD Patients and Its correlation to other Dental Disorders and Quality of Hife. Gastroentrology research and practice 2018.57:20-23
10- Rintakoskik, Hubin C, LobbezooF, Rose RJ, Kapiro J. Genetic factors account for half of the phenotypic variance in liability to sleep – related Bruxism in young adults: a nation wide finnish twin cohort study. Twin research and human genetics. 2012; 15(6): 714-9
11- Cruz-Fierro N. Martinez - Fierro M. Cerda – Flores RM. Gomez – Govea MA. Delgado – Enieso I, Martinez – Devillarreal LE, Gonzalez – Ramirez MT, Rodrignez – Sanchez IP The Phenotype, Psychotype and geno type of bruxism. Biomedical reports. 2018; 8(3): 264-8.
12-Oporto GH. Bornhardt T, Iturriaga V, Salazar LA. Genetic Polymorphisms in the serotonergic system are associated with circadian manifestations of bruxism. Journal of oral rehabilitation. 2016: 43(11); 805-12.
13-Abey,Suganuma T,Ishii M,Yamamoto G,Gunji T,Clark GT,Tachikawa T,Kiuchi Y,Igarashi Y and BaBa K:Association of genetic,Psychological and behavioral factors with sleep bruxism in a Japanese population.J sleep Res 2012;21:289-296
14- Fraley RC, Roisman GI, Booth-Laforee C, Owen MT and Holland AS: Interpersonal and genetic origins of adult attachment styles: A Longitudinal study from infancy to early adulthood. J Pers Soc Psychol 2013;104:817-38
15-Veiga N, Angelo T, Ribeiro O, Baptisa A. Bruxism – Literature review. Int J Dent oral Health. 2015; 1(5): 1-5.
16-Nissani M. Abibliographical survey of Bruxism with special emphasis on non – traditional treatment modatitis. Tournal of oral science. 2001; 43(2): 73-83.
17-Cheraskin E, Ringsdorf Jrw. Bruxism: a nutritional problem? Dental Survey. 1970; 46(12): 38-40.
18-Lehivila P. Bruxism and magnesium. Literature review and case reports. Proceedings of the finish Dental Society Suomen Hammaslackariseuran tomituksia. 1974; 70(6): 217-24
19-Nissani M. Abibliographical survey of Bruxism with special emphasis on non – traditional treatment modalities. Journal of oral science. 2001; 43(2): 73-83.
20-Durham J, Exley C, John MT, Nixdorf DR. persistent dentoalveolar pain: The patient’s experience journal of orofacial pain 2013, 27: 18-21
21-Macfarlance TV, Blinkhorn AS, Davies RM, Kincey J, Worthington HV. Oro-facial pain in the community: prevalence and associated impact. Community dentistry and oral epidemiology 2002; 30: 52-60
22- Ribeiro-Dasilva MC, Line SRP, Dos santos MCLG, Arthuri MT, Hou W, Fillingim RB, et al.estrogen receptor. A polymorphisms and predisposition to TMJ disorder. The journal of pain 2009; 10: 527-33
23-Wieskopt JS, Mathur J, Limapichat W, Posd MR, Al-Qazzaz M, Sorge RE, etal. The nicotinic a6 subunit gene determines variability in chronic pain sensitivity via cross – inhibition of P2X2/3 receptors. Science translational medicine. 2015; 7: 287 ra72- ra72
24Donnellan MB, Burt SA, Levendosky AA and Klump KL; Genes, personality, and attachment in adults: A multivariate behavioral genetic analysis.Pers Soc Psycho Bull 2008 ;34:3-16
25Fraley RC, Roisman GI, Booth-Laforee C, Owen MT and Holland AS: Interpersonal and genetic origins of adult attachment styles: A Longitudinal study from infancy to early adulthood. J Pers Soc Psychol 2013;104:817-38
26Ahlberg J, Lobbezoo F, Ahlberg K, Manfredidi D, Hublin C, Sinisalo J, Kononen M and Savolaihen A: self – reported Bruxism mirrors anxiecir Bucal 2013;18:e7-e11
27 Bayar GR, Tutuncu R and Acikelc: psychopathological profile of patients with different forms of Bruxism. Clin oral Investig 2012;16:305-311
28Schneider C, Schaefer R, Ommerborn MA, Girak M, Goertz A, Raab WH and Franz M: Maladaptive coping strategies in patients with Bruxism compared to non-bruxing controls. Int J Behae Med 2007;14:257-261
29Gungormus Z and Erciyas K: Evaluation of the relationship between anxiety and depression and Bruxism. J Int Med Res 2009;37:547-550
30 Lobbezoo, F. Visscher, C. M., Ahlberg, J., & Manfredini – D. Bruxism and genetics; a review of the literature. Journal of oral rehabilitation. 2014; 41(9), 709-714
31. Esquerra-trabalon M, Gallardo-Pujol D and Robles-Munoz N: Metodología Y técnicas en genetic del comportamiento. In: Bases genéticas de la conducta. Bartres Dand Redolar D (eds). Editorial UOC. Barcelona, PP 2014;43:19-90
32.Wilhelm K, Siegel JE, Finch AW, Hadzi Pavlovic D, Mitchell PB, Parker G and Schohield PR: The long and the short ofit: Associations between 5-HTT genotypes and coping with stress. Psychosom Med 2007;69:614-620
33Abey,Suganuma T,Ishii M,Yamamoto G,Gunji T,Clark GT,Tachikawa T,Kiuchi Y,Igarashi Y and BaBa K:Association of genetic,Psychological and behavioral factors with sleep bruxism in a Japanese population.J sleep Res 2012;21:289-296
34-Kiser D,Steemers B,Branchi I and Homberg JR:The reciprocal interaction between serotonin and social behaviour.Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2012, 36:786-798
35-Fabre V,Boutrel,B, al.Homeostatic regulation of serotonergic function by the serotonin transporter as revealed by nonviral gene transfer.J Neurosci,2000,20:5065-5075.
36-Yilmaz,MBayazit,Y.A,Ciftci, of serotonin transporter gene polymorphism with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.Laryngoscope,2005,115:832-836.
1- Pierce C. Chrismank, Bennett M. close J. stress, anticipatory stress and psychological measures related to sleep bruxism. Jorodacpain. 1995; 9: 51-56.
2- Dalewski, B. Chrusciel Nogalska, M. & Franzok, B. Occlusal splint Versus modified nociceptive trigeminal inhibition splint in bruxism therapy: a randomized, Controlled trial using surface electromyography. Australian dental journal. 2015; 60(6), 445-456.
3- Souzava,Abreumh, Resendevl,Castilhols. Factors associated with bruxism in children with developmental disabilities. Brazilian oral research. 2015; 29(1): 1-5
4- Jimenez-silvaA, Pena-Duranc, Tobar- Reyesj, Frugone- Zambra R. Sleep and awake bruxism in adults and its relationship with temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review from 2003 to 2014, Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. 2017; 75(1): 36-58.
5- Gorski D. familial aggregation of anxiety associated with Bruxism 3000. 2015; 22; 3 (1): 5-8.
6-Murali R, Priyadarshni Rangarajan AM. Bruxism: Conceptual discussion and review. Journal of pharmacy & bioallied sciences. 2015: 7(Suppl 1): S 765
7-Swaminathan AA. A Review of Current Concepts in Bruxism – Diagnosis AND Management. Nitte University Journal of Health science. 2014; 4(4) : 7-10
8-Shetty S, Pittiv, Babucs, Kumar GS, Deepth. B. Bruxism: a literature review. The Journal of Indian prosthodontic society. 2010; 10(3): 141-8
9-Bucci C. Amoto M, Zingone F, Caggiano M, Lovino P. Ciacci C. Prevalence of sleep Bruxism in IBD Patients and Its correlation to other Dental Disorders and Quality of Hife. Gastroentrology research and practice 2018.57:20-23
10- Rintakoskik, Hubin C, LobbezooF, Rose RJ, Kapiro J. Genetic factors account for half of the phenotypic variance in liability to sleep – related Bruxism in young adults: a nation wide finnish twin cohort study. Twin research and human genetics. 2012; 15(6): 714-9
11- Cruz-Fierro N. Martinez - Fierro M. Cerda – Flores RM. Gomez – Govea MA. Delgado – Enieso I, Martinez – Devillarreal LE, Gonzalez – Ramirez MT, Rodrignez – Sanchez IP The Phenotype, Psychotype and geno type of bruxism. Biomedical reports. 2018; 8(3): 264-8.
12-Oporto GH. Bornhardt T, Iturriaga V, Salazar LA. Genetic Polymorphisms in the serotonergic system are associated with circadian manifestations of bruxism. Journal of oral rehabilitation. 2016: 43(11); 805-12.
13-Abey,Suganuma T,Ishii M,Yamamoto G,Gunji T,Clark GT,Tachikawa T,Kiuchi Y,Igarashi Y and BaBa K:Association of genetic,Psychological and behavioral factors with sleep bruxism in a Japanese population.J sleep Res 2012;21:289-296
14- Fraley RC, Roisman GI, Booth-Laforee C, Owen MT and Holland AS: Interpersonal and genetic origins of adult attachment styles: A Longitudinal study from infancy to early adulthood. J Pers Soc Psychol 2013;104:817-38
15-Veiga N, Angelo T, Ribeiro O, Baptisa A. Bruxism – Literature review. Int J Dent oral Health. 2015; 1(5): 1-5.
16-Nissani M. Abibliographical survey of Bruxism with special emphasis on non – traditional treatment modatitis. Tournal of oral science. 2001; 43(2): 73-83.
17-Cheraskin E, Ringsdorf Jrw. Bruxism: a nutritional problem? Dental Survey. 1970; 46(12): 38-40.
18-Lehivila P. Bruxism and magnesium. Literature review and case reports. Proceedings of the finish Dental Society Suomen Hammaslackariseuran tomituksia. 1974; 70(6): 217-24
19-Nissani M. Abibliographical survey of Bruxism with special emphasis on non – traditional treatment modalities. Journal of oral science. 2001; 43(2): 73-83.
20-Durham J, Exley C, John MT, Nixdorf DR. persistent dentoalveolar pain: The patient’s experience journal of orofacial pain 2013, 27: 18-21
21-Macfarlance TV, Blinkhorn AS, Davies RM, Kincey J, Worthington HV. Oro-facial pain in the community: prevalence and associated impact. Community dentistry and oral epidemiology 2002; 30: 52-60
22- Ribeiro-Dasilva MC, Line SRP, Dos santos MCLG, Arthuri MT, Hou W, Fillingim RB, et al.estrogen receptor. A polymorphisms and predisposition to TMJ disorder. The journal of pain 2009; 10: 527-33
23-Wieskopt JS, Mathur J, Limapichat W, Posd MR, Al-Qazzaz M, Sorge RE, etal. The nicotinic a6 subunit gene determines variability in chronic pain sensitivity via cross – inhibition of P2X2/3 receptors. Science translational medicine. 2015; 7: 287 ra72- ra72
24Donnellan MB, Burt SA, Levendosky AA and Klump KL; Genes, personality, and attachment in adults: A multivariate behavioral genetic analysis.Pers Soc Psycho Bull 2008 ;34:3-16
25Fraley RC, Roisman GI, Booth-Laforee C, Owen MT and Holland AS: Interpersonal and genetic origins of adult attachment styles: A Longitudinal study from infancy to early adulthood. J Pers Soc Psychol 2013;104:817-38
26Ahlberg J, Lobbezoo F, Ahlberg K, Manfredidi D, Hublin C, Sinisalo J, Kononen M and Savolaihen A: self – reported Bruxism mirrors anxiecir Bucal 2013;18:e7-e11
27 Bayar GR, Tutuncu R and Acikelc: psychopathological profile of patients with different forms of Bruxism. Clin oral Investig 2012;16:305-311
28Schneider C, Schaefer R, Ommerborn MA, Girak M, Goertz A, Raab WH and Franz M: Maladaptive coping strategies in patients with Bruxism compared to non-bruxing controls. Int J Behae Med 2007;14:257-261
29Gungormus Z and Erciyas K: Evaluation of the relationship between anxiety and depression and Bruxism. J Int Med Res 2009;37:547-550
30 Lobbezoo, F. Visscher, C. M., Ahlberg, J., & Manfredini – D. Bruxism and genetics; a review of the literature. Journal of oral rehabilitation. 2014; 41(9), 709-714
31. Esquerra-trabalon M, Gallardo-Pujol D and Robles-Munoz N: Metodología Y técnicas en genetic del comportamiento. In: Bases genéticas de la conducta. Bartres Dand Redolar D (eds). Editorial UOC. Barcelona, PP 2014;43:19-90
32.Wilhelm K, Siegel JE, Finch AW, Hadzi Pavlovic D, Mitchell PB, Parker G and Schohield PR: The long and the short ofit: Associations between 5-HTT genotypes and coping with stress. Psychosom Med 2007;69:614-620
33Abey,Suganuma T,Ishii M,Yamamoto G,Gunji T,Clark GT,Tachikawa T,Kiuchi Y,Igarashi Y and BaBa K:Association of genetic,Psychological and behavioral factors with sleep bruxism in a Japanese population.J sleep Res 2012;21:289-296
34-Kiser D,Steemers B,Branchi I and Homberg JR:The reciprocal interaction between serotonin and social behaviour.Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2012, 36:786-798
35-Fabre V,Boutrel,B, al.Homeostatic regulation of serotonergic function by the serotonin transporter as revealed by nonviral gene transfer.J Neurosci,2000,20:5065-5075.
36-Yilmaz,MBayazit,Y.A,Ciftci, of serotonin transporter gene polymorphism with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.Laryngoscope,2005,115:832-836.
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Genetic factor Bruxism Article revie Polymorphism |
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How to Cite
Najafi S, Faraji Z, Roudgari H. Hereditary factors of bruxism. J Craniomaxillofac Res. 2020;7(2):59-66.