Vol 10, No 1 (Winter 2023)

Review Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 133 | views: 201 | pages: 1-8
    Introduction: The main known factors for causing recurrent oral aphthous are genetics and heredity, hematological defects, and immunological disorders. This study was conducted to review the effect of genetic factors on recurrent oral aphthous. Materials and Methods: This study is a literature review that examines the findings derived from existing research articles investigating the influence of genetic factors on the development of recurrent oral aphthous ulcers. The articles on the same topic were selected from available studies on the web, PubMed ISI, Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar, in 10 years from 2013 to 2022. Articles were chosen and assessed based on specific inclusion and exclusion criteria, employing keywords such as genome, oral, recurrent aphthous, and genetic factor as part of the selection process. Results: 31 studies were selected after screening and based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Among them, 1, 2, 3, 2, 5, 5, 6, 3, 3, 1 studies which were done subsequently in the years 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013, were selected. Among them, 9 studies showed no correlation between genetic factors and RAS incidence, and in the 22 remaining studies, a significant correlation was observed between genetic factors and gene expression in RAS patients compared to healthy people. Conclusion: Genetic factors are effective in the occurrence of recurrent oral aphthous in people.

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 126 | views: 151 | pages: 9-17
    Introduction: Aging is accompanied by the gradual loss of teeth, which can cause several orofacial  changes. This study aimed to compare panoramic radiomorphometric indices between dentate and  totally edentulous patients. Materials and Methods: One hundred panoramic radiographs were analyzed to measure  six indices using Clinview 9.3 software: the gonial angle (GA), antegonial angle (AGA), condylar  height (CH), ramus height (RH), mental index (MI), and mandibular cortical index (MCI). An  independent sample t-test and Chi-square was used to compare the means of the measured data  between dentate and edentate subjects and genders.  Results: In both genders, dentate people had greater left CH (p=0.05) and left GA (p=0.03). Men had greater RH in the dentate and edentate groups (p<0.001). No correlation was found between  groups and genders in MCI scores. Conclusion: CH index assessment as the function of the masticatory muscles and GA as residual  ridge resorption were decreased in edentulous people. The findings highlight the importance of  oral hygiene education and prosthetic rehabilitation of the edentulous. Keywords: Digital panoramic; Morphometric; Edentulous; Indices.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 78 | views: 176 | pages: 18-26
    Introduction: Head and neck cancer is the sixth common cancer in the world, of which the  oral cavity is the most frequent type. It was diagnosed on more than 377,700 cases worldwide in  2020. Access to high-quality care leading to a more specific and earlier diagnosis of this cancer is crucial. Therefore, researchers attempt to investigate and detect efficient biological tumor marker. The present study aimed to investigate the changes in the expressions of miR-182, miR-221, and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in the peripheral blood of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and compare them with healthy individuals to detect early OSCC. Materials and Methods: 30 peripheral blood samples from patients with OSCC (19 male and 11 female), aged 25-70, were obtained from the cancer institute of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, and 30 peripheral blood samples from healthy individuals (20 male and 10 female) aged 26-70 were collected. Real-time PCR was carried out to investigate the differences in the expressions of miR-182, miR-221, and ELISA was used to measure CEA protein expression. Results: Among the subjects with OSCC 83% showed miR-182 expression, 93% revealed miR-221 expression and 96% demonstrated CEA expression. Whereas, these expressions were 26%, 20% and 13%, respectively, for the healthy group. The simultaneous detection of miR-182 and miR-221 was 73% in the individuals with OSCC. The simultaneous observation of miR-182, miR-221, and CEA in the group with OSCC was 60%. The expression level of miR-221 in the group with OSCC was 2.63 times that of the healthy subjects, and the expression level of miR-182 in the individuals with OSCC was 2.29 times that of the healthy group. Conclusion: The results of this study nominated miR-182, miR-221, and CEA as biomarkers for early diagnosis and consequently improvement of survival rate of patients suffering from OSCC. Keywords: OSCC; MiR-182; MiR-221; CEA; Biomarker.

Case Report(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 162 | views: 219 | pages: 27-30
    Endosteal implants may be insufficient in treating complete edentulism in severe bone loss, such as advanced bone resorption, trauma, infection, intraoral pathologies, and traumatic tooth extractions.  With the developing technology, in cases where bone quality and quantity are inadequate,  treatment with custom-made subperiosteal implants also emerges as an alternative. This case  report examined the procedural steps and the six-month post-operative period while evaluating our edentulous patient who rehabilitated using endosteal and custom-made subperiosteal implants.  No resorption or mobility of the implants was detected in the 6th-month post-operative control of  our complete edentulous case, which was rehabilitated using traditionally used intra-bone implants in the maxilla and subperiosteal implants in the mandible. One of the essential advantages of the  subperiosteal implant system is that it provides fixed prosthetic treatment, especially in jaws with  advanced bone atrophy. Correct case selection and appropriate surgical and prosthetic treatment will increase success. Keywords: Dental implantation; Endosteal; Mouth rehabilitation; Subperiosteal.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 132 | views: 158 | pages: 31-35
    Dentigerous cysts are commonly seen in association with third molars and maxillary canines. Only  5–6% of dentigerous cysts are associated with supernumerary teeth. We report a rare case of dentigerous  cyst associated with an impacted anterior maxillary supernumerary tooth (mesiodens). A  30-year-old male reported to our Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry at Hamedan  University of Medical Sciences, with chief complaint of a painless swelling in the anterior upper jaw  (in the region of incisors) for a duration of 3 month. At the time of his presentation, his medical  history was unremarkable, with no systemic problems and no report of pain. Although the association  of dentigerous cyst with an impacted supernumerary tooth (mesiodens) is rare, prevention  of harmful complications as developmental cyst, early diagnosis and treatment is necessary. The standard treatment is Enucleation. Keywords: Dentigerous cysts; Mesiodens; Supernumerary teeth.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 99 | views: 130 | pages: 36-45
    Multiple facial fractures, which involve the upper, middle, and lower thirds of the face, are called Panfacial fractures, and their management is one of the biggest challenges in the field of maxillofacial surgery. The proximity of maxillofacial skeleton to important sensory or vital structures such as the visual, olfactory, masticatory and respiratory systems and intracranial components in addition to negative effects on esthetic aspects of the face have doubled the intricacy. Small or thin fractured segments that are difficult to find and stabilize make management of pan facial fractures different from anywhere else in the body. One major challenge is to find the best pattern and sequence of treatment. There are different concepts, depending on the surgeon's experience and the pattern of fracture. This study reports three patients with the diagnosis of pan facial fractures. A 54-year-old woman, an 18-year-old and a 14-year-old man that were all victims of road traffic injuries (MVA). Conventional open reduction and internal fixation methods have been used and favorable results have been obtained in follow-up periods.